Friday, July 13, 2012

Rihanna Sues Accountant For Getting Her Audited By The IRS And Costing Her Millions



Ridiculous, thieving singer Rihanna, has the gall to sue her accounts for bad money management advice, due to the IRS auditing her. Rihanna complains in a lawsuit filed in New York that the money management firm Berdon LLP cost her tens of millions of dollars in touring revenue (more like losses) and encouraged her to buy a bad house that is shoddy for $6,500,000. 

One of Rihanna's insane posts on Twitter

I find her conduct ironic. She wasn't supposed to have that money in the first place, as she illegally acquired it as the ill-gotten proceeds of multiple counts of criminal copyright infringement (see the "Related Articles" section below for a list of Rihanna's many thefts that comprise her entire so-called career).

Rihanna, wearing a Kabbalah red string bracelet on her right hand, sits with Chris Brown

Who is she really kidding with this self-righteous rubbish. Her album sales began to fall due to bad publicity over her misconduct, which led to lower ticket sales, as folks simply didn't want to see her anymore. Rihanna vs. Berdon is a case of thieves stealing from a grubby, dirty little thief.

Madonna and Rihanna at a Kabbalah function in New York

Rihanna is a fraud, going on stage half naked, putting on a contrived clownish swagger, using ripped-off images, miming stolen music and jumping around on stage like an idiot. Then, she spends the criminal proceeds like water, regarding funds that were meant to go to producing cures to cancer and AIDS (and based on reports, her grandmother also just died from cancer). Does she really expect good from God for doing something so wicked and evil.