Friday, July 20, 2012

Justin Bieber's New Rolling Stone Interview Tries To Cast Him As Manly And Rebellious Like James Dean

Justin Bieber covers Rolling Stone magazine 

18-year-old pop singer Justin Bieber has done the standard former child star round of interviews, proclaiming he is no longer a child. Rolling Stone magazine is trying to paint him as James Dean, but Bieber is more like Jimmy Dean. Bieber's label is trying to show he is all grown up and "manly" but he is still quite young and has much to learn.

Bieber's new image as a  grown up tough guy isn't computing. He still looks younger than his years and pulls pranks associated with youth. His sophomore album "Believe" has done moderately well on the charts, but claims of copying 30-year-old pop star, Justin Timberlake, who musically mimics his mentor, Usher, continue to dog the effort.