Wednesday, April 11, 2012

George Zimmerman Has Finally Been Arrested And Charged With The Murder Of Trayvon Martin

During a press conference in Orlando, Florida today, State Attorney Angela Corey announced that self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman, 28, has been charged in the death of Trayvon Martin, 17, in connection with the unarmed teen's murder on February 26. 2012. Initially Sanford, Florida officials stated there would be no charges or arrest, but due to immense public outcry, special prosecutor Corey was appointed and second degree murder charges have been filed.

Trayvon Martin

The Judiciary Report hoped for first degree murder charges, as stated yesterday, but at least Zimmerman has been charged. It's a beginning. He is now in custody in the State of Florida, one day after his lawyers quit, reporting at their own press conference he is mentally unwell and fled the state. This confirmed what the Judiciary Report stated last week - Zimmerman is mentally ill and criminally insane (Actions Of Sanford, Florida Officials In The Trayvon Martin Case Endangering America and George Zimmerman Fits The Profile Of A Stalker). His pattern of irrational and unlawful behavior over the past several years shows it.

Trayvon Martin as a child

After having dealt with criminally insane stalkers in Miami, Florida, who are apart of a deranged religious cult, one is able to detect the signs associated with such sick and unlawful behavior. The Judiciary Report retains its view that Martin is a victim of crime that was minding his own business, but was stalked, attacked and murdered by a man with mental issues and a chip on his shoulder regarding black people he routinely racially profiled, as revealed by many 911 tapes.

George Zimmerman

One is not suspicious for being black (or any color) or wearing a hoodie. America is known as a free country. Martin was allowed to wear whatever he wanted and walk wherever he felt like in the communal areas of his neighbor. For a person to be labeled suspicious for lawfully enjoying his freedoms and killed for it is a great injustice that must be properly addressed in a court of law. The Judiciary Report sends its deepest condolences to the Martin family as this truly is a terrible tragedy.


Actions Of Sanford, Florida Officials In The Trayvon Martin Case Endangering America

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George Zimmerman Fits The Profile Of A Stalker

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