Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mainstream Newspapers Finally Realize The FBI Has Become A Law Unto Itself

Barack Obama is presiding over a massive power grab that defies the U.S. Constitution

Mainstream newspapers such as the New York Times and the New Jersey Star Ledger, have slammed the FBI's new investigative rules, as unconstitutional and lacking oversight. The FBI has so changed its guidelines for agents investigating individuals and organizations, they have eliminated the need to file paperwork, which means there will be no paper trial, thus foiling every Freedom of Information Act request filed by anyone.

As the Judiciary Report first revealed, the FBI has a Secret File Room, where the agency hides files, such as those containing terrible wrongdoing they committed, but the maneuvering has become so complicated, they seek to eliminate the need to do so once and for all, lest a terrible file accidentally gets misfiled. They are going to provoke hackers into raiding their files, if the FOIA treachery, secrecy and defiance, continues on its current path.

The FBI has gotten tired of answering to the press and public and want it stopped, as they believe themselves above the law. It was an extraordinary step to take, in a terrible leap towards a full fledged, undemocratic police state. FBI employees are about to become some of the most powerful people in America and inappropriately so.

They will be able to secretly investigate the President, Vice President, members of Congress, the aforementioned people's family members and significant others, not to mention, everyday Americans, with absolutely no probable cause, oversight or record of any kind. That is chillingly perverse and screams totalitarianism. To grant a secretive, law flouting investigative agency of 30,000 people, absolute power and no accountability in prying into others lives, with the ability to bring criminal cases, is begging for calamity to strike.

U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder and FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller

The FBI has repeatedly been cited over the past several years, in Congress and by the Justice Department's Inspector General, for abuses of congressionally invested authority, as they used the agency's resources to inappropriately spy on girlfriends, wives, objects of their affection, rivals, politicians, scientists, doctors, entertainers, journalists and bloggers. FBI agents have been imprisoned for accepting cash and or sexual bribes, in exchange for privileged agency information, due to the paper trial that used to exist.

Under the new rules, if FBI agents choose to secretly moonlight and accept large sums of money, for improperly investigating people without cause and passing on the information for payment to the highest bidder, they will be able to do so without penalty or any paper trail. Considering FBI agents have betrayed America in the not so distant past, in well documented cases, selling national secrets to the nation's enemies, it is going to be a free for all with the agency's new rules that have removed oversight. They think they're slick.

Agents will have full access to the agency's investigative tools, such as your telephone wiretap transcripts, emails, computer contents with the FBI's CIPAV trojan, web cam images and videos, conversations in your home and office, bank account statements, video surveillance recordings of your home and GPS data from your phone and vehicle.

Almost as bad is the Obama Administration and Congress letting the FBI do this. But don't worry, when this breed of unaccountable surveillance burns some high ranking politicians in Washington, with domestic and foreign rivals finding out all their deepest personal and political secrets, at the hands of FBI agents supplementing their incomes, they'll know it was a bad idea.

The FBI has now effectively managed to completely trample the U.S. Constitution and this time, without fear of any legal consequences. For additional information on the aforementioned, please read the external links below from notable newspapers.


Backward at the FBI

FBI is overreaching with rules changes

Killing Democracy One File at a Time: Justice Department Loosens FBI Domestic Spy Guidelines


The FBI's Secret Spying Is Unnerving The Public

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Leading Rental Company Facing Lawsuit For Spying On People In Their Homes Through Their Laptops

Computer Technician Secretly Spied On Customers In Their Homes While They Were Naked

How To Protect Yourself From Being Spied On In Your Home Through Your Webcam Or Mobile Phone