Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Leading Rental Company Facing Lawsuit For Spying On People In Their Homes Through Their Laptops

Aarons Rental Company

It has been confirmed, America's leading rental company, Aarons, is facing a lawsuit for secretly spying on people in their homes, while they were partially undress or naked, via the laptops consumers rented from their stores.

This conduct is completely criminal and sick. Brian and Chrystal Byrd of Wyoming, have sued Aarons rental company, as the police confirmed, store employees were spying on them and their 5-year-old, in their home, through the laptop they rented. As stated in the couple's lawsuit, the police informed them software made by the company Designware LLC of Pennsylvania, was used to remotely turn on the laptop's camera and record every keystroke they typed.

Brian and Chrystal Byrd

This sick breed of voyeuristic perversion has been cropping up in certain cases and has been featured prominently online and in the press, indicating said strain of invasion of privacy, has become a problem that is violating innocent people.

The public witnessed as it was reveled, via the upsetting case of the Lower Merion School District, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, faculty administrators and computer techs, spying on students in their very homes, in various states of undress, by remotely and illegally taking control of the webcams on their school issued laptops (Truth Comes Out In School Webcam Spying Case).

Last year, there was also the Erin Andrews case, regarding the beautiful ESPN sportscaster, who was illegally and secretly photographed naked in her hotel room. Stalker, Michael Barrett, pried off the peephole of Andrews' hotel room door, then uploaded to the internet, nude photos he surreptitiously took of her, without her knowledge or consent, using his mobile phone. He has since been imprisoned.

Prior to these two cases, I wrote of my awful experiences regarding pop singer, Madonna and her sick Kabbalah cult, who are currently under investigation by the IRS and FBI, for human trafficking, tax fraud and stealing donated charity money, among other things. Madonna's private investigator, is also the notorious Anthony Pellicano, who was imprisoned for criminally spying on people on behalf of stars that paid him $100,000 in each instance.

Erin Andrews

In 2008, Pellicano was convicted on serious charges of illegal hacking, wiretapping, racketeering and identity theft. However, other private investigators, such as Gavin DeBecker, continue the illegal tradition on behalf of stars in Hollywood, such as Madonna

Madonna commissioned criminal acts of invasion of privacy, to pilfer preexisting copyrights stored on my computers, that she and her cronies in Hollywood later illegally used without permission or payment, also extended to spying on me at home. She engaged a private investigator, who works in tandem with her Kabbalah cult, to illegally spy on me in my home, via, among other things, illegally hacking my computers and turning on the webcam and microphones, in deeds that are positively sick. Two separate computer companies confirmed in writing my computers were hacked. The hacks were digitally traced back to the staff of


To add insult to injury and to be vile, as these cultists are very depraved, Madonna began sending members of Kabbalah, to approach me in public or call me over the phone, issuing threats and regurgitating the invasive contents of what they illegally witnessed in my house, via spying on me in my home. Madonna and said cult are the nastiest, sickest people on the planet.

This form of misconduct was also present in the Anthony Pellicano case, which was later written about in the New York Times, after I filed a complaint with the FBI and went public with said allegations. Professional attorneys suing Hollywood stars over personal and or financial misconduct, complained to the FBI that Pellicano would illegally spy on them in their offices, then call them at their places of business and repeat to them VERBATIM, what they had just said privately over the phone or in the office to a client, in criminal violation of attorney client privilege, privacy laws and wiretapping statues.

Anthony Pellicano

In another case I first broke online in 2005, via filing a formal criminal complaint against Rupert Murdoch's Newspaper Groups, which was later renamed News International, due to the bad publicity, it was later proven in 2006 and again this year that the aforementioned company, did indeed hack into the phones of a number of people and spied on them in criminal violation of the law. My allegations were proven 100% and correct.

What is very disturbing about Murdoch's commissioned misconduct using private investigators to hack people's phones and emails, then trail them in public, is there is another hidden danger to privacy via this invasive spying. As electronic experts have shown on television, hackers can remotely turn on the audio, video and camera functions on a person's phone and use it to secretly spy on them in their home.

Rupert Murdoch

A word to the public: be careful where your privacy is concerned and do your very best to protect yourself and your family from certain perverse people out there, who have no sense of decency. There are sick in society, exploiting technology to spy on others in insidious ways, as they are mentally ill and very perverted.

Your home is your castle. It is sacred. No one should be spying on you in there. Under the law, it is a crime to spy on others in their home, office, car, public bathrooms and changing rooms in stores. World governments need to start making examples of these perverts, until this sick conduct is stamped out from society.


Truth Comes Out In School Webcam Spying Case

Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes

Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal

Erin Andrews Sues Hotels Over Peeping Tom Videos

Erin Andrews In Congress

The FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI Case

Kids Still Being Taken To The Kabbalah Center Which Is Under Investigation For Crimes Against Children

FBI Investigating Scientology For Abusing Children

Madonna And Kabbalah Close Their Corrupt Charity Due To Criminal Investigation

Confirmed: Kabbalah Is Under Criminal Investigation

Newsweek Outs Madonna As The Criminal Behind Kabbalah

Madonna's Fraudulent Charity For Africa Squanders Millions On Big Salaries & Luxury Items For Greedy Kabbalah Members


AP: Pa. lawsuit: Rental firm spies on users

Tue May 3, 4:05 pm ET - PITTSBURGH – A major furniture rental chain has software on its computers that lets it track the keystrokes, screenshots and even webcam images of customers while they use the devices at home, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a Wyoming couple who said they learned about the PC Rental Agent "device and/or software" inside the computer they rented last year when an Aaron's Inc. store manager in Casper came to their home on Dec. 22...

"It feels like we were pretty much invaded, like somebody else was in our house," Byrd told The Associated Press in an exclusive telephone interview, the day before the suit was filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Erie...

Suit alleges spying by rental company

9:04 PM, May. 4, 2011 - PITTSBURGH ...The Byrds contacted police, who, their attorney said, determined that the image was shot with the help of spying software, which the lawsuit contends is made by Designerware LLC of North East, Pa., and is installed on all Aaron's rental computers. Designerware is also being sued in U.S. District Court in Erie.