Rupert Murdoch
As many of you know, Rupert Murdoch's News International, is at the center of an illegal wiretapping and phone hacking scandal. It is believed hundreds, possibly thousands of people have been affected by the company's crimes in the area of invasion of privacy.
Murdoch and his staff, illegally spied on people in politics and the entertainment industry, then published the private information and secrets they unlawfully heard on wiretaps (transcripts thereof) and read in emails and text messages, via hacking.
In doing so, this made Murdoch and company, illegally privy to the detail of many people's private lives, such as social and medical appointments, personal family illnesses and tragedies, sexual relationships and financial records. These items were illegally printed by News International in their newspapers, as exclusives and scoops.
Rupert Murdoch and his wife Wendi - clearly he is still interested in having sex, marrying someone so pretty and glamorous, otherwise he would have married a real canine like Madonna. Wendi is gonna give this guy a heart attack any day now...
Can you imagine if someone hacked and wiretapped Murdoch and his family and began publishing their private details. Considering Mr. Murdoch's wife Wendi, is roughly 40-years younger than he is, does he have an open prescription for Viagra - or is he impotent.
What if someone illegally spied on Rupert Murdoch and posted his Viagra prescription, any meds he may take for something like a sexually transmitted disease or items from his medical records possibly indicating impotence.
What if someone illegally spied on his sons Lachlan and James and began publishing online, their most sensitive secrets - such as adulterous affairs, STD medications, private psychiatrists' reports, items from their kids medical records - you know, all the things Murdoch's News International published in their newspapers as scoops and exclusives, regarding other people they unlawfully spied on.
News International
One of the most troubling things about the case is Murdoch's son, James, who also works for him, doesn't see the scandal as a big deal, publicly bragging about the number of newspapers they sold by breaking the law. It's as though the public has no rights with this corrupt family. They need a dose of their own medicine, after criminally violating and publicly humiliating so many people for financial gain.
London Mayor Urges Newspapers To Come Forward In Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal
Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal Runs Way Deeper Than They Are Admitting
Madonna's Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal
Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes