Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Obama Seeking $33 Billion More For Wars

U.S. President Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama is seeking $33 billion more in funding, which the nation currently cannot spare, to further underwrite the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that the American people and the world do not want.

AP Exclusive: Obama wants $33 billion more for war

Tuesday, January 12, 2010; 8:22 PM - WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration plans to ask Congress for an additional $33 billion to fight unpopular wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, on top of a record request for $708 billion for the Defense Department next year, The Associated Press has learned.

Obama Administration Hiding FOIA Files

U.S. President Barack Obama

Why has U.S. President Barack Obama reneged on his promise of transparency with the American people. The White House site touts transparency, but that is not what is happening in America.

In the lawsuit Keyes v. Obama, scheduled for a hearing on January 25, 2010, Ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes stated in court documents, the Obama Administration is refusing to release Freedom of Information Act files regarding his birth and other investigative documents in their possession.

In fact, hundreds of Freedom of Information Act lawsuits have been filed against Obama's FBI and DOJ, as they have been stonewalling people, who properly requested files under U.S. law. The Obama administration is actively hiding and hoarding incriminating documents from the public, which people are entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act.

Was Obama's Memorandum of Law on the White House website just an item for him to hide behind, while his attorney general, Eric Holder, the Department of Justice and the FBI, break federal law in openly and arrogantly defying the Freedom of Information Act, with the President's consent.

Even in a communist or socialist regime, the people get more information out of their government than this. Obama stated last week, as President he is responsible for his administration and the failures that transpire. One would definitely call the current stonewalling and Freedom of information Act scandal a failure and one that is not going to go away without rectification.

Three hundred Freedom of Information Act lawsuits thus far, under the Obama administration, of people who were consistently, unlawfully and inappropriately denied documents under FOIA:

Over 3,000 lawsuits against corrupt FBI Director Robert S. Mueller:


Court: Obama's DOJ Lacking Transparency

FBI Lawsuit Update - Part 2

Robert S. Mueller's Criminal Negligence

Mueller's Body Count

Robert S. Mueller

The signs are there a crazy man is in charge of the FBI. That man is Robert S. Mueller. Had President Obama fired Mueller when he took office and replaced him with a capable, competent FBI Director, who can interpret intelligence data and connect the dots, the 13 soldiers at Fort Hood would be alive today.

Mueller's tenure is slated to last until September 2011. That's roughly another year and a half for him to jeopardize the lives of countless more innocent people with his criminal negligence and incompetence. 3,000 people died during 9/11 on Mueller's watch and 13 more at Fort Hood, when the FBI had the data in their possession to stop both attacks. Knowing that devil, who knows what's next regarding his famed criminal negligence and the dots he has failed to connect, which the public currently doesn't know about.

FBI Lawsuit Update - Part 3

Robert S. Mueller

This a follow up to yesterday's article FBI Lawsuit Update - Part 2. As standard in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) cases with very incriminating files the FBI/DOJ wishes to hide in violation of FOIA, the FBI/DOJ have been stonewalling me in court, using the same flawed, lawless arguments they've used VERBATIM in other cases, according to Pacer searches, to violate the Freedom of Information Act. So much for government transparency in the Obama Administration.

The following is a link to the case documents, revealing their unlawful argument that the Civil Rights Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964 do not apply to the FBI, DOJ and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller and as such, they do not have to obey said laws, which is a blatant lie.

The fact of the matter is the FBI and DOJ receive “federal financial assistance” and under the Civil Rights Act, they are not allowed to discriminate against anyone.

Robert S. Mueller cowardly invoked the U.S. government's "immunity shield" in the case, as he broke the law at my expense. However, there exists no "immunity shield" granting any member of the U.S. government to break the law.

They are hiding the FOIA files I am entitled to, as the files relating to the Madonna case are really bad and the files regarding Robert S. Mueller violating my Fourth Amendment rights, are incriminating to him.

Therefore, there is a conflict of interest in him not releasing the files, as he broke the law in spying on me and others, in misconduct I outed him for online in a time stamped, copyrighted 2006 article proven true and correct 3 months later via the report of the U.S. government's Inspector General. Mueller and FBI agents were later excoriated for the misconduct in the U.S. Congress in what became a scandal they had to address.

Robert S. Mueller had their legal representation in the case state it is at his discretion whether or not the FBI brings justice in cases. He deliberately ordered FBI agents to drag their feet on the investigation though my life is in danger and instructed them to conceal the Freedom of Information Act files, to allow Madonna and co. to further steal copyrights.

Mueller is also a man that for years deliberately sat on the terrible financial crimes of Bernard Madoff and R. Allen Stanford. This ladies and gentlemen is why the economy collapsed - the man that has been left in charge of law enforcement kisses up to rich criminals, allowing them to steal from hardworking people, as that is crooked Muller's definition of success. To anyone else with any sense, that's a house of cards waiting to collapse...and it did.

Madonna and co. are still criminally stealing from my Copyrighted Catalog. Her ex-husband and father of her child, Guy Ritchie and his alleged film "Sherlock Holmes" is a complete rip off a years old, preexisting copyright from my Copyrighted Catalog.

Align CenterGuy Ritchie's rip off

Guy Ritchie stole the modern remake idea from my copyrights - then stole other years old scenes from my preexisting, Library of Congress registered, Copyrighted Catalog that contains 12,500 songs, 1000 movie scripts, movie treatments and short stories, 15 book manuscripts, 300 music video treatments, 500 photographs, 100 photo treatments, perfume, clothing line, nano-technology, a solar cell phone and thousands of other items.

Guy Ritchie is disgusting - every film he has ever made has a copyright infringement lawsuit against it, as he steals everyone else's property. He's been sued in five unrelated cases by different people for stealing their movie scripts and TV projects.

He recently announced he is starting a record label. Ritchie, who knows nothing about music and is famous for having sex with a crazy pop star, is starting a record label. No doubt, it is to steal.

In all of this, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller reminds me of the lead Nazi the film, The Aryan Couple, criminally taking and redistributing the property of others to fellow Nazis, under a sick, racist premise that whites are superior to others and everyone else is slave labor to exploit.

The only massive problem is, while Mueller unlawfully helps dirty Hollywood stars in lining their pockets via criminally stealing copyrights whose proceeds are meant to go towards cures to AIDS and Cancer, millions of people are dying from the aforementioned diseases. God is not going to bless you all for that. God have mercy on your souls.

Click Here For Court Documents


FBI Lawsuit Update - Part 2

The King And Kennedy Assassinations

Martin Luther King Jr (left) and Robert F Kennedy (right)

When the late, Robert F. Kennedy, signed the J. Edgar Hoover/FBI document granting his consent as attorney general, for the despicable agency to spy on, harass and terrorize the late, great Martin Luther King Jr., he was essentially signing the civil rights leader's death warrant.

Robert F Kennedy

Out of sheer evil, the FBI even sent King a suicide note, urging him to kill himself. The FBI/DOJ's violation of King's rights went on for years, to the day he was murdered by the cowards.

Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated

FBI agents, scholars and analysts, have since come forward claiming there was an FBI conspiracy to kill King, with the assassination executed by a commissioned killer.

However, as God illustrates in the Bible, whatever a person does comes back to him ("You reap what you sow"). God also warned in the Bible that people were not to harm his "prophets" and preachers, as He would punish them for it (i.e. Pharaoh, Herod).

Martin Luther King Jr. at funeral

It's ironic that three months after, Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered by an FBI chosen assassin on April 4, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy, the man who gave the FBI authorization to terrorize and spy on King at every turn with wiretaps, surveillance bugs and stalking, ultimately murdering him, was himself assassination on June 6, 1968. One has to wonder as well if this is the source of the alleged "Kennedy curse."

Murder and violence are wrong. This website denounces it. But one can't help but look at the stunning sequence of events that encompassed their lives.

Robert F. Kennedy assassinated

Today, all over the world, King is remembered as a great man, the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover as the perverted fruitcake that spied on him, one of the greatest men that ever lived, whilst he (Hoover) wore pink dresses in secret and lived with his homosexual lover (Clyde Tolson) and Robert F. Kennedy's legacy is tarnished for having signed that document, granting the FBI the legal right to do the unthinkable. History will never forget it.

J. Edgar Hoover (left)

However, I suspect, had Kennedy known King would go on to be a very great man, embedded in world history, as a cherished hero, he would not have signed that fatal document. But isn't that how history always works (rhetorical). That is why integrity is essential today, lest character failures disgrace you tomorrow and forevermore.

7.0 Earthquake Hits Haiti

A strong 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti today, toppling many buildings. The damage is widespread. Landmarks such as the nation's official palace sustained massive damage and the United Nation's building collapsed.

Civilians and 9,000 U.N. peacekeepers are currently unaccounted for, as many people are trapped under the debris. The Judiciary Report sends Haiti best wishes and prays the nation will receive the assistance it requires in this time of tragedy.

The Woman That Hid Anne Frank Died

Miep Gies, the woman that hid Anne Frank from the Nazis, has died at the age of 100. She was a good person to risk her life to protect Frank, a teenage girl whose life was wrecked by Hitler's madness. Frank died at age 15 in a concentration camp.

Rush Limbaugh Makes New Racist Comment

Racist talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, set off more controversy today with a new racist, sexist statement. Limbaugh stated the late U.S. Senator, Ted Kennedy, was only offended by former President, Bill Clinton's remark about President, Barack Obama, should be "getting us coffee" for one reason. Limbaugh distastefully stated, "Kenney had women bring him his coffee and Negroes bring him his liquor." That wasn't even remotely funny, Rush.

Mistress Sues Shaq For Harassment

Vanessa Lopez To Shaquille O'Neal: I Think I'm Pregnant!

Shaq's Mistress Has A History Of Dating And Filing Police Reports Against NBA Players

Two years, almost to the day, that Vanessa Lopez says Shaquille O’Neal began harassing her, she filed a police report against another former boyfriend and NBA star—Orlando Magic’s J.J. Redick.

Rihanna's "Rated R" Still Struggling

Despite massive amounts of promotion and well over one million dollars spent in a marketing push, it's official, Rihanna's copyright infringing "Rated R" CD has flopped, selling 500,000 copies in three months, which is very weak for a major label artist. To date, the album has no hit singles either. This mark her worst showing on the charts and in the court of public opinion, as people have turned off from her, due to her poor behavior.

However, employing the Mariah Carey/Tommy Mottola sales fakery move, of shipping out way more albums to stores than one knows one can sell, Rihanna's CD has been certified platinum (meaning 1,000,000 CDs shipped, with 500,000 of them sitting on store shelves not purchased).

That's rated F for fail. One should have to literally sell the amount specified before receiving the plaques (otherwise that's just plaque). How can an artist feel good sitting on fake numbers. It's fraud.

Rihanna’s ‘Rated R’ Certified Platinum

Despite only recently surpassing 500k in US sales, Rihanna’s ‘Rated R’ album has just been certified platinum by the RIAA. However, the LP has not sold 1 million copies at retail venues, rather it has shipped over 1 million units in the US and is expected to achieve that sales figure with retailers in the near future.