Tuesday, December 28, 2010

FBI Hypocritically Accuses Russia Of Cold War Stance

FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller

One of the State Department cables leaked by the Whistleblower website, Wikileaks, revealed a confidential item sent to FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, dated November 5. 2009, accused Russia of maintaining a Cold War mentality. However, the FBI is guilty of the very same thing it is accusing the Russian government of maintaining. The paranoia gripped federal law enforcement agency, has wrongly branded a number of U.S. citizen and residents spies, opening invasive and illegal investigations into innocent people, to justify their bruised ego and appease their seared consciences.

The sad fact of the matter is the FBI has very poor intelligence and does not know who is who in America or anywhere else in the world. They have aligned themselves with murderers and thieves in the corporate sector, that have brought this nation down, while wrongfully investigating innocents, who simply told the truth about their criminal conduct, via utilizing their constitutional right to free speech and free press.

What's ironic is the very people the FBI failed to blow the whistle on for committing financial crimes in America, are the very ones that shall bring down the agency. The massive spending Washington has engaged in, attempting to revive the severely damaged U.S. economy, has only managed to send it further into national debt, which on its current trajectory shall ensure, there will be no money in the future for the FBI's bloated budget. I believe this is what the French call, "Cutting off your nose to spite your face."

Side Bar: it's ironic the State Department and FBI would accuse Russia of a "cold war" stance in a November 5. 2009 cable. A few years earlier, I accused the FBI of cold war behavior towards innocent people in America.


Leaked memo describes Russia's security chiefs as maintaining 'a Cold War mentality'

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 - FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III got a heads-up on Russian security services before heading to Moscow a year ago. New insights into Russia and its security services can be gained from a Nov. 5, 2009, confidential cable written to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III before his visit to Moscow that month. The briefing was among the documents made public by WikiLeaks.
