Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Does It Take To Make It

Recently, while perusing another site, I read an item that was nothing short of criminal. Someone wrote that one has to do unethical and crooked things to make it and be successful today, which is a lie. I thought to myself, if you have to do unlawful, unethical and crooked things to be successful, simply put, you should NOT be rich, as you are a criminal. End of story.

If one can't gain wealth honestly and legitimately, it was never meant to be yours and shall bring you undiluted sorrow in life, as you have defrauded others to attain it. Additionally, becoming rich from thievery is not success. To do so makes one a fraud of the highest order.

People need to learn from Madoff and other financial criminals that robbed, abused and pillaged the property of others - there is always a price to pay and it will not be worth it to the thief when all is said and done.