Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Bush Name A Byword In World History

George Bush Jr. (left) and George Bush Sr. (right)

The Presidency of George W. Bush has destroyed the family's name and legacy. Former President, George Bush Sr., is said to be very angry at this historical development, blaming former Vice President, Dick Cheney, who he installed to keep an eye on junior, who has the mental capacity of a grapefruit (for further reference, see : George W. Bush's misunderestimate-gate"). Cheney instead engaged in widespread misconduct, which Bush Jr. gladly followed...right into catastrophe.

George W. Bush

Bush and Cheney commenced the war in Afghanistan in 2001, which has killed way more civilians, including children, than terrorists. Not content with the bloodshed, in 2003 they initiated the war in Iraq. At home, they looked the other way to widespread corruption in the corporate sector, being committed by colleagues and cronies, such as Enron, WorldCom and Halliburton, to name a few, which culminated into the financial crisis of 2008, causing permanent damage to the United States.

Dick Cheney

America has hit so many profound lows, many thought impossible five years ago, but nonetheless, happened. Bush and Cheney believed America to be invincible with an unlimited supply of money, when no nation in the world enjoys that fictional status. Rather than rely on the hard work of the American people, Bush and Cheney went on a massive crusade of theft, stealing foreign assets, such as oil from the Middle East and lumber from Canada, to name a few.

Dick Cheney (left) and George W. Bush (right)

They allowed their buddies on Wall Street to rob and pillage the assets of the American people, taking their life savings and pensions, then waging cover-ups to conceal the fact, hardworking citizens had lost a fortune to ponzi schemes and other pronounced acts of financial fraud. When a sitting Commander-In-Chief and his cabinet, so disgraces and debases the Office of the Presidency, prison should be a certainty.

However, for a family name built by Preston Bush, George Jr.'s grandfather, on constructing Nazi concentration camps to inexcusably enslave, abuse, torture, experiment on and kill Jews, did this family have much further to fall in world history. Adding more war crimes and atrocities against mankind to their name, should have been expected. There's no way to pretty it up. The Bush family has been a blight on humanity for generations. They had a prominent hand in World War II and brought the world to the brink of collapse in 2008.