Tuesday, July 27, 2010

FBI's Sentinel Computer System Scrapped As A Failure

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

After four years of warnings from this website and sister site, The Sound Off Column, the FBI's computer system has been label a failure and write off, when it should not have happened this way. The remaining phases of the ill-fated Sentinel system, like the one before it, is being scrapped by the government.

In 2006, the Sound Off Column, repeatedly warned frequent site visitor, the FBI/DOJ, through a series of articles, that stretching out a computer system's creation and implementation plan would not work and years later, that's exactly what's happened.

Once again, that's your tax dollars up in smoke. Not to mention, over $150,000,000 of the computer system money is unaccounted for, also known as stolen. But don't think that will stop the FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller, from going into Congress again, demanding many millions more in tax dollars, to misappropriate and squander again.

For those of you wondering why Mueller is not in prison yet - he is a modern day Hoover, with so much illegal dirt on members of Congress and the White House, they don't want to put their own freedom in jeopardy. However, with the madness he has done that illegally extended into other countries, Congress is going to be faced with some very difficult choices in the future on an international level. In short, contrary to what he thinks, he hasn't gotten away with a single thing.


IG: FBI Computer System On Track For Failure

FBI Computer System In Trouble Again

FBI Computer CIO Leaves The Agency

FBI Computer System Delayed Again

Computer Calamity

July 16, 2010 - The FBI shuts down a major computer upgrade—and the FBI director's legacy might take a hit as a result.

The FBI has (again) put the brakes on a multi-million dollar plan to fix its creaky computer systems. This will come as little surprise to those who've followed the G-Men's epic quest, and failure, to keep up in the Information Age, replacing their out-of-date computers with a system that can help agents better track criminals and terrorists. But the recent development could have major political consequences...

Now, the fallout. For starters, the Obama administration's budget team has already flagged Sentinel as one of the most troubled, poorly performing tech projects in the government. At a time of record deficits, the public is in no mood for stories of wasteful government spending. President Obama has seen his poll numbers plummet as voter anger over enormous spending of all kinds rises...
