Friday, July 23, 2010

Being An Entertainer Is Not Hard

It Is Not Rocket Science

Arrogant "actress" Megan Fox, who blew one of the biggest and easiest roles in Hollywood ("Transformers"), fighting with director Michael Bay over foolishness, whilst believing her own hype, he created.

Being an entertainer is not hard, so why do some make it so difficult. They are pampered and primped by an army of stylists, make-up artists, hair stylists and personal assistants. All they have to do is show up to work, read or sing a few lines, then go home. But some manage to mess even that up, turning it into a temper tantrum, where they request the world on a rider, just to show up.

The toothsome Kanye West - possibly one of the most irritating men that ever lived, who went from being one of the most popular rappers in pop culture to one of the most annoying to audiences, due to his arrogant shenanigans and constant bellyaching. West is frequently sued for stealing copyrighted music he passes off as his own.

A significant part of the problem is ego. Quite a few stars are drama queens and egomaniacs. They live in their own private world, where the laws of reality are irrationally suspended. They fail to appreciate what they have and many end up losing it as a result.

Broke, drug addled, former child star, Lindsay Lohan, has been sent to jail on DUI probation violations

They mistreat others, do not plan for the future, believing the world owes them a favor and perennial handout, for their mediocre entertainment and as a result, end up getting into terrible situations that turn their lives upside down. Many turn to misconduct and end up with criminal records and I'm not talking about music.