Friday, July 23, 2010

Obama's Presidency Up In Smoke

Barack Obama

Barack Obama's Hollywood styled presidency is up in smoke, a year and a half in, as a recent Quinnipiac poll revealed "any Republican" could beat him in the 2012 election, based on the current state of affairs.

Every week there is a new disaster and his administration is experiencing significant trouble meeting each challenge. If he is to retain office in 2012, he will have to embark on a massive mission to change the course of his presidency, as it has deteriorated rapidly.

He is a smart man and should not have gone along with many of the things he has, as it was morally wrong, imprudent and deposited him nowhere. This was a chance to change America for the better, but so many bad policies have been enacted, with strong traces of the "same old same old" Washington political routine.

President Obama previously unconvincingly stated, he does not care if he is a one term President, as long as he is a good President, but can he really claim that at this point (not to mention, his policies can be repealed). He signed into law, stem cell legislation that is an abomination in the sight of God. He has spent nearly $2 trillion in taxpayer money, between the stimulus and health care bill.

Obama's government sorely lacks transparency. He has also broken campaign promises regarding no-bid government contracts , lavished handsome financial rewards on his campaign donors and excused the inexcusable, regarding crime in the corporate sector. This has not made a better and more prosperous America.


Poll: Only 4 in 10 say Obama deserves re-election

Poll: Any Republican would beat Obama in 2012