Actor Nicolas Cage's Bel Air home in Los Angles, has been auctioned in foreclosure. The celebrity that once owned over a dozen homes, has lost a number of them, due to overspending and under income.
The Judiciary Report saw this house on a Hollywood home tour years ago. It does look quite stately from the outside, which made the Judiciary Report wonder what was wrong with it other than the price ($35,000,000). When the price was eventually reduced, Cage's realtor still was unable to close a sale.
But alas, nosy TMZ posted pictures of the home's interiors and confirmed the Judiciary Report's worst suspicions, Cage suffers from bad taste in furnishings and interior design. It's a common affliction among celebrities. They have appalling taste in everything from clothes to furniture.
Cage's Bel Air home looks good from the outside, but the realtor should have staged the home, removed some of the actor's eccentric furnishings, placing them in storage and painted some of the rooms neutral tones (that green bathroom is hurting my feelings and that game room is traumatizing me).
I love movie memorabilia, but don't scare home buyers and have them startled while viewing your property and thinking, "Why is Yoda in the middle of the living room."
While it is fine to have eccentric tastes, when you are selling a home, especially in a fire sale, concessions must be made. Cage's former home was a great property with good structure, charming architectural features, situated in a prime location with a significant amount of space.
Nicolas Cage
However, it is cluttered and crammed with items and wall colors from daily living that a potential buyer cannot appreciate or envision living in.