Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Person Saw Uma Thurman's Motherhood Film

...In Britain

Uma Thurman in "Motherhood"

Actress, Uma Thurman's latest film "Motherhood" has set a record for the lowest grossing major motion picture film in history. In Britain, only one person went to see it at the theatre on the first day it was released. To the one, single, solitary Brit that saw this movie: did you stumble into the wrong theatre?

In America, it has made $100,000 thus far, which is very poor for a major release. It places this turkey firmly in "Swept Away" territory. What this will spell for Thurman's career could not be good, as the film cost $5.5 million to make and millions more to market to global audiences. Whoever greenlit this disaster will most likely have to change their name in Hollywood.

Uma Thurman's box office record - $150 opening weekend

March 28, 2010 1:20AM - Uma Thurman has gone from Hollywood star to box office poison - but who is to blame

UMA Thurman's new film has broken box office records in Britain - it took a paltry £88 ($150) in its opening weekend, with no more than a dozen people bothering to see it.

In fact so bad was Motherhood's performance, that its entire box office takings for its debut Sunday were £9, meaning just one person bought a ticket, The Guardian reported...

Despite costing a reported $5.5 million to make, it grossed little over $100,000 in the US last year...
