U.S. President Barack Obama,
According to an article in the Washington Post, there was a third security breach at the White House, while U.S. President Barack Obama and his family were present. There was another uninvited person present at President Obama's first state dinner in November 2009.
The Secret Service needs to get on the ball and desist with the sloppy security breaches, lest Obama ends up like JFK or RFK. Clearly, security is not what it should be that such a lapse happened three times.
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A 3rd uninvited guest got into White House dinner
Monday, January 4, 2010; 2:23 PM - WASHINGTON -- The Secret Service says another person not on the guest list was allowed into a White House state dinner for India's prime minister in November.
Officials have been reviewing White House security procedures after it was discovered that an attention-seeking couple - Tareq and Michaele Salahi - made their way into the party without an invitation and shook hands with the president. Monday's acknowledgment brings the tally to three people who made it through Secret Service security at the White House without being on a guest list...