A group of Islamic hatemongers, who live in Britain, Islam4UK, are set to terrorize Britons in the town of Wootton Bassett, via a boisterous planned protest in the quiet village, known for honoring British soldiers that were killed in the Middle East, with solemn funerals.
Past acts by Islam4UK include chanting hate speech, whilst holding up signs calling for Jihad, such as a September 11th styled terrorist attack on European shores. "The Religion of Peace" eh?
It is a legitimate concern, that barring a government intervention, if this terrible, hateful conduct is allowed to continue, which includes, but is not limited to calls of violence, death threats, civil disobedience and disturbing the peace, something very bad is going to come forth from it, with very vicious with widespread damage. This misconduct needs to legislatively be placed in check.
LDA Tears Down Largest Christian Church For Mosque Being Built By Tablighi Jamaat
120,000 sign up to Facebook protest to stop Islamic extremist march through Wootton Bassett
04th January 2010 - More than 120,000 people had last night signed an internet petition protesting about plans by Islamic extremists to march through Wootton Bassett.
Hate preacher Anjem Choudary sparked outrage by saying his radical group Islam4UK would parade through the town renowned for honouring soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
The firebrand cleric said 500 of his supporters would carry 'symbolic coffins' in memory of the Muslim civilians ' murdered by merciless' coalition forces...