Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chris Brown Is In Trouble And Facing Jail On Probation Violation As Frank Ocean Changes His Mind Demanding He Be Prosecuted For Punching Him


Chris Brown

Yesterday TMZ reported that R&B singer Chris Brown and gay rapper Frank Ocean got into a confrontation, which escalated into a fist fight in the parking lot of the Westlake Recording studio in Los Angeles, California. Initially, based on what TMZ was told and relayed to the public, no one wanted to press charges. However, several hours later, Frank Ocean changed his mind and is after Brown. 

Ocean now wants Brown, who has made homophobic statements in the past, prosecuted for punching him - despite the fact the singer states the rapper and his entourage attacked him. If successfully prosecuted, this incident would constitute a probation violation against Brown, stemming from a 2009 incident with girlfriend Rihanna. It would also be a hate crime, due to the fact Ocean is gay and Brown has a history of using phrases such as "f****t" online and to members of the public, who went to the press with their complaints.

Frank Ocean: this is what I look like when he hit me y'all! (hmm, I thought gay dudes didn't wear earrings in their left ear. Is this a new thing in gaydom).

As with the 2009 Rihanna domestic violence case, Brown was not immediately arrested when the incident transpired, as he fled the scene, but police could detain him after an interview if they feel they have sufficient evidence to charge him and they are requesting to speak to him.

Brown has a problem on his hands and so does Ocean, as the singer's people are known to retaliate. Not to mention, this could really put a wrench in the off the wall Rihanna-Karrueche-Tran-Chris-Brown love triangle dominating the blogs. Yep, they're going to be fighting over conjugal visits in no time if he goes to jail.


Frank Ocean wants Chris Brown prosecuted in clash over parking spot

January 28, 2013 | 3:02 pm - Frank Ocean wants to press charges against Chris Brown after what's been described as a brawl over a parking space at a West Hollywood recording studio, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department officials said. Brown allegedly punched Ocean in the brawl Sunday night in the 7200 block of Santa Monica, authorities said. "Chris Brown is a named suspect in a battery report," said Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore. "The victim is desirous of prosecution."

The Miami Heat Welcomed To White House In Comical Ceremony (Video)

"Bitter Betty" Barack Obama finally welcomed the Miami Heat to the White House in his capacity as President of the United States, for the customary celebratory greeting extended to winning NBA basketball teams. The event took place yesterday in Washington, DC.

I told you guys Obama was being a hater over his beloved Chicago Bulls not winning the championship, as the President stated, "Even though I am a little disappointed that the Bulls didn't make it. I do want to congratulate the Heat for a well-earned Championship." Tell the truth, you cried when the Bulls lost.

The Miami Heat's Lebron James stated regarding the warm and friendly ceremony, "We're in the White House now. This is like...Mama I made it ." You and the team certainly have and congrats again. In closing, don't let Obama borrow any of your championship rings. They'll just mysteriously end up in Chicago, hand delivered by the Secret Service.

Chris Brown's Violent Fight With Frank Ocean Has Both Artists Telling Two Different Stories But Who Is Telling The Truth


 Chris Brown - victim of crime or another violent incident
Troubled singer, Chris Brown is in more doo-doo again again. Yesterday, the felon got into a fist fight with gay rapper, Frank Ocean (you know, Kanye's boo - LOL). Several months ago, Brown and Ocean had a disagreement on Twitter. Last night the two ran into each other at the Westlake Recording studio in Los Angeles, California and things went downhill from there, as a fight erupted.

Brown was first to give his side of the story to website TMZ, claiming as he was leaving the recording studio, when Ocean and his entourage tried to detain him, blocking the exit. Next he stated Ocean and his guys confronted him in the parking lot and an argument began over a parking spot. Brown states he reached out to shake Ocean's hand and a member of the singer's entourage punched him, leading to a fight. That's Brown's side of the story.

Frank Ocean - gay thugging or the victim of crime?

However, Ocean is stating Brown, backed up by his own entourage, punched him and a fight broke out with all the men. Ocean stated on Twitter he was "jumped" by Brown and co. and his hand is now injured, which poses a problem regarding his Grammy performance next month. Ocean stated online, "Got jumped by chris and a couple guys. lol. i only wish everest [his dog] was there. cut my finger now I can't play w two hands at the grammys." In response to the incident, Chris Brown stated online, "Working on my album. Not working on negativity. Focus on feeding ya family. Bull***t will forever be in the shadows."

The Judiciary Report is trying to be objective, but it is obvious pieces of this story are missing from both sides. Neither man filed a police complaint when officers arrived on the scene, because Brown had fled and Ocean refused to press charges.

Outside Westlake Recording studios (Photo Credit: TMZ)

As I pointed out on Twitter this morning, this incident is a probation violation for Brown, who is half way through the 5-year probationary period the judge assessed and levied against him for getting into a fight with girlfriend Rihanna in 2009. Brown also got into a fight with rival rapper Drake at a night club several months ago. He's also engaged in other probation violations such as stalking and doing so across state lines. Then there’s that incident regarding his entourage harassing staff at a Subway restaurant and in the parking lot.

Brown needs to stop getting into these situations. He is becoming the female Lindsay Lohan. The judge has given him a pass on many issues and incidents. However, if his case is reassigned to a judge who scrutinizes parolees more than the current jurist, he could land in jail, which is a rough place for a pretty boy who can dance ("pop and lock" would take on a whole new meaning in jail).

If Ocean changes his mind and presses charges, with Brown’s history of fighting, he'd have a legal problem on his hands regarding his probation. Brown needs to learn to stay at home for a change with some DVDs, video games and some food. If he gets into anymore serious trouble, he’s going to jail. Because Brown can get into trouble even in the parking lot of a Subway restaurant (maybe you should stay out of parking lots). Dude, how do you get into trouble at Subway. Eat your sub and your cookie and calm down.

For Someone Who Claims Not To Care About Chris Brown's Girlfriend Karrueche Tran Rihanna Sure Follows Her Around A Lot


Rihanna is obsessed with the girlfriend of the love of her life, Chris Brown. Rihanna has been dressing like model Karrueche Tran, wearing hair extensions that look like her hair, trying to become a fashion designer like she’s been doing as well and has now crashed her party at Playhouse in Los Angeles, California.

Karrueche Tran

Rihanna was spotted attempting to go into the launch party for Karrueche Tran's Rolling Out magazine cover, wearing a see through dress. How classy (sarcasm). The egotistical narcissistic singer could not bear for Tran to have a moment in the spotlight, which says a lot about her negative personality and jealousy.

Rapper Rick Ross Repeatedly Shot At On His Birthday (Illuminati)

Rick Ross and Diddy (Photo Credit: TMZ)

We can all think of birthdays that weren't so great, but most of us can't think of one where someone tried to pop a cap in our butts. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Rick Ross can now think of a birthday where he got shot at like a bad action movie. Good times!

The pretentious, sacrilegious rapper, who has lied about his past, only to be exposed online, had a big birthday bash in Miami last night. However, after the party, the Freemasons, affiliated with the music industry's Illuminati cult, opened fire on him and his girlfriend, Shateria L. Moragne-el.


Ross was seen speeding through the streets in his gray Rolls Royce, as armed men in pursuit repeatedly shot at the vehicle. Things came to a halt when Ross crashed the luxury vehicle into an apartment building. The reckless chase left Miami businesses bullet ridden. This latest incident could have left innocent people on the streets of Miami dead, if they had gotten caught in the cross fire. It is reminiscent of what happened to rapper the Notorious Big, who was also mixed up with the cult as is Diddy, being gunned down after leaving an entertainment industry party.

As reported a few months ago, Ross has been receiving death threats from Illuminati members he became friends with, who want a big cut of his profits or else. It is consistent with Hollywood corruption, as the industry is run like a mafia and the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, is too cowardly and corrupt to do anything about it, though people are dying.


Justin Bieber Leaving Fans In Miami In Tears Adding To Mounting Trouble For The Star


Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber was slammed by fans as thousands had gathered in Miami outside the venue he was set to perform, for the chance to meet him and be apart of his concert film. Parents signed waivers on their kids behalf and waited with them for hours to meet Bieber, who stood them up. The kids were devastated and began tearing up his posters on television and slamming him for letting them down.

Something has gone wrong with Bieber, as the Judiciary Report has been asserting for months. It’s undeniable at this point. He is not acting like himself. Speeding down streets endangering the public, smoking marijuana, getting drunk, chasing models for sex, cheating on his girlfriend Selena Gomez, who dumped him due to it, flashing his naked butt and posting it online, spitting in a female disc jockeys drink, hours late for concerts, slamming fans at his hotel in Arizona and now standing up his "Beliebers" in Miami, leaving them in tears. Bieber was not like this before.

Bad friends and the wild Hollywood lifestyle of sex, drugs and rock n’ roll is turning him into another person. The tardiness in artists usually occurs when the drug and or alcohol problems take over. Classic signs of it are present in Bieber’s behavior.


Bieber bails on South Florida fans - singer follows up by starting concert set hours late

Published On: Jan 27 2013 06:04:43 PM EST MIAMI - Hundreds of South Florida children were left heartbroken, when Justin Bieber failed to show up for a planned filming session before his Sunday night concert at the American Airlines Arena.

Bieber continued his day of disappointment, not taking the stage at his Sunday night concert until 10:15 p.m. The opening act started at 7 o'clock. All in attendance for the pre-concert event had signed waivers allowing them to be filmed for a concert-style movie. They were promised they would get to see the pop sensation, but Bieber bailed.

"I'm enraged!" Antonio Crespo sent to share@local10.com. "She spent the whole day being used under false pretenses. She should have at least been given complimentary tickets." Crespo also said the crowd was told that Bieber wasn't there because he was feeling ill. Local 10 has yet to hear from representatives for Justin Bieber.

Beyonce Knowles Moping Around New Orleans Depressed About Bad Press


Can I or may I?

After her spectacular fail at President Obama's second inauguration, while becoming the first person ever to lip-sync the national anthem at such an event, Beyonce Knowles was spotted moping around New Orleans, in preparation for her performance at the NFL's Super Bowl. Many online are wondering if Knowles will lip-sync that performance as well.

The New York Post spotted the music industry's most high profile lip-syncer looking depressed, " She wouldn’t dare do it again, would she? Dogged by her lip-syncing inaugural scandal, a glum Beyoncé steps out with her mother, Tina Knowles, in New Orleans wearing no makeup and looking like she was thinking hard about her next high-profile performance — at the Super Bowl." Her husband Jay-Z has been moping around as well.

Problems keep dogging Knowles, from a fake pregnancy to a fake inauguration performance. The chickens are coming home to roost. There's only one person in the music industry who is more fake than Beyonce and that's Madonna.


Lindsay Lohan's Lawyer Asks The Judge To Let Her Out Of The Criminal Case

Lindsay Lohan

Days ago, Lindsay Lohan was dumping her lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, after racking up a $300,000 bill she has no intention of paying, unless she is taken to court. This week Holley is dumping Lohan and formally asked the judge to release her from the train wreck's criminal case. Lohan keeps acquiring probation violations and her case has been transferred to a new judge.


Ashton Kutcher's Performance In Steve Jobs Biopic Being Slammed

Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs

Hate to say I told you so, no I don't, I told you so. I know movies, having written and copyrighted many scripts. I have complimented films (previews) on my sites that went on to do very well at the box office and slammed others that flopped shortly after. Months ago the Judiciary Report insisted superficial actor Ashton Kutcher making a Steve Jobs biopic was a bad idea (Ashton Kutcher Is A Poor Choice To Play Steve Jobs In Biopic). Well, critics and audiences saw a preview of the movie this past weekend and many of the reviews are negative. Even Jobs' former partner at Apple, Steve Wozniak, slammed it as inaccurate. Critics are also slamming Kutcher's performance.

The only reason Kutcher was allowed to do this foolishness is because he is in Hollywood's Illuminati, who are running the entertainment industry into the ground. Now they've messed up Jobs' life story. Jobs of all people. How could they let Kutcher and Kabbalah mess up Jobs' life story and legacy like this. Crazy cults shouldn't be allowed to do such things, especially with historical pieces that need proper attention and the right talent for accurate, compelling cinema.

Look at the horrible job Kutcher's fellow cult member Madonna did with "W.E." attempting to rewrite British history, as critics noted, with her madness and adding copyright infringing items to it (from my copyrights) that didn't even happen in the Royal Family's history, foisting her mental illness on the public (Madonna Booed In London At The Premiere Of Her Copyright Infringing Film “We” and Boycott Madonna's Rip-Off "We" Movie - Part 2 ). Thanks to the Judiciary Report's public boycott the film flopped, was scrapped and sent straight to DVD where it flopped some more. Leave the filmmaking to the professionals who actually have a talent for it and are insane.


Ashton Kutcher Gets Mixed Reviews as Steve Jobs

January 27, 2013, 4:30 am - The actor gets some kudos, but early reviews say his movie bio is an over-polished Apple. The new biopic of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs starring Ashton Kutcher in a nerdy beard premiered at the Sundance Film Festival Friday to an early round of mixed reviews.

The Two and a Half Men star won respectful praise for tackling such an iconic role in jOBS, but indications are that this apparently adulatory portrait of the techno-genius is not The Social Network for computers. The Hollywood Reporter reviewer Justin Lowe calls the film - directed by Joshua Michael Stern and covering the rise, fall and rise of the brilliant innovator in the years leading up to the introduction of the iPod - "passably entertaining," but closer to a "two-hour commercial" than a real interpretation of a life. Kutcher manages to re-create Jobs' mannerisms and is at his best in speeches "haranguing his employees or board of directors."

If "the movie avoids outright hagiography," says Variety critic Justin Chang, it "more or less embodies the sort of bland, go-with-the-flow creative thinking Jobs himself would have scorned." Kutcher's performance is "carefully judged," but despite "an impressive attempt at vocal mimickry. the illusion never fully seizes hold."
Indiewire admires "Kutcher's committed performance, certainly his most impressive turn in years, which conveys the character's focused, manipulative intentions in each calculated look." But the tone of the movie, which critic Eric Cohn grades a "C plus," is so worshipful at times it borders on "creepy.

CNET's Casey Newton also praises Kutcher for his determination to capture the physical essence of the man, not to mention having to handle "fully 40 percent of the lines," but the movie fails to create any supporting characters to share the screen. "The viewer spends two hours watching cardboard cutouts lose arguments to Ashton Kutcher." Finally, according to Vince Horiuchi in The Salt Lake Tribune, Kutcher is "not the casting disaster that some thought he might be." However, "he is much too tall." ...

Wozniak Turned Down Involvement in "jOBS" Due to "Crap" Script

5:48 AM EST, Jan. 28th, 2013 - The independent biopic jOBS, which premiered Friday at the Sundance Film Festival, was not produced with the help of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak due to a highly inaccurate script which Mr. Wozniak described to The Verge as "crap." Mr. Wozniak previously told Gizmodo that an interaction between Steve Jobs and Mr. Wozniak depicted in the film’s first pre-release promotional scene was "totally wrong."

jOBS stars Ashton Kutcher and Josh Gad as Mr. Jobs and Mr. Wozniak, respectively, and opened to mixed reviews over the weekend. While most reviewers found the story entertaining overall, historical inaccuracies and a "shallow" approach left many disappointed with the first film about Apple and Steve Jobs since his death in 2011.

That disappointment was shared by Mr. Wozniak, who was approached by the film’s producers early in the development of the movie. Finding the film’s script to be "crap," however, Mr. Wozniak turned down the producers’ offer and instead became involved in the Sony-backed and Aaron Sorkin-directed film about Steve Jobs that is still in production.