Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Obama Messes Up And Calls Americans "Lazy"

Politicians Pounce On Him Over His Statements

U.S. President Barack Obama has angered many in America by stating at an official gathering that Americans have become "lazy." Republican politicians Mitt Romney and Rick Scott have pounced on the president over his statements. For Obama to make such a blanket statement is wrong. Furthermore, he who vacations often should not be the one to cast the first stone.

The Judiciary Report does not think Americans are lazy. Millions of Americans get up 5-6 days a week and report to work. The problems that have occurred in the economy are squarely due to the greed of a small percentage of rich people that believe they are to exploit and gouge the masses, while they sit on their backsides and label it their money working for them. However, how some of them acquired the money is very questionable (Bernie Madoff, R. Allen Stanford and certain other fraudsters on Wall Street and in Hollywood).

Barack Obama

It created a complacency and inequity that has greatly damaged the American middle class and made lower income people worse off in the area of finances. Until that socioeconomic imbalance and injustice is corrected, look for things to get worse. In the 1980s and portions of 1990s, everyone in America had a chance to succeed. It's not like that anymore thanks to certain fraudsters and their criminal monopolies in the corporate sector.

Back To The Future Barack To The Future

A good pop culture analogy for that would be the film "Back To The Future 2" where via dishonesty and cheating, the lazy, unintelligent character Biff becomes one of the richest people in the world, via stealing the time machine and an almanac to place bets on future games he already knew the results of thanks to the stolen book (sort of like insider trading, phone hacking or intellectual theft, in stealing privileged information to get rich).

Biff then buys up most of the city with the ill-gotten wealth and everyone and everything else begins to suffer, due to his greed in wanting to illegally own it all. Schools begin struggle and close down, crime flourishes, people are killed, the police corrupted, homes in a once thriving city are abandoned and things simply turn to gloom. All that so immoral, ruthless Biff and his select group of friends and family, could live in absolute luxury, hoarding ill-gotten gains they were not entitled to, while the whole city of thousands suffered. Well that's America right now times millions. Only this isn't a movie, but reality...


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