Wednesday, November 16, 2011

British Prime Minister David Cameron Does Humorous Australian Accent In Imitating Prime Minister Julia Gillard

British Prime Minister David Cameron better keep his day job, as the phrase goes, as his accent abilities, while humorous, wasn't BAFTA or Oscar worthy material. Nonetheless, I did laugh when he did a respectful imitation of the accent belonging to Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

David Cameron

He thanked Gillard for holding a commonwealth meeting in Australia, recalling her words regarding Britain's move to allow women to become Queen, even if they have a younger male sibling, "I turned to the Australian prime minister and said, 'thank you very much Julia for allowing us to have this meeting in Australia and she said, I can't quite do the accent but I'll try – 'Not a bit David, this is good news for sheilas everywhere'" (The name "Sheila" is Australian slang for a female).

Well said, Mrs. Gillard. After all, what would men be without women...other than happy...and we can't have that, can we (LOL).


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