Thursday, October 6, 2011

American Protests Against The Corporate Sector Begin To Spread Around The Nation

Protests against Wall Street and the general corporate sector, for bringing the worst financial crisis on the nation since the Great Depression, have been spreading from New York to other American states. People have camped out to continue their protests, regarding the poor state of the U.S. economy, which has hit a number of historic lows over the past few years.

Democrats, President Obama and Senator Nancy Pelosi, are trying to reach out to protestors expressing empathy, which is ironic, as both had a great hand in the financial crisis becoming what it has turned into on America. Pelosi and Obama, when he was a senator, during the presidency of George W. Bush, rubber stamped dangerous items in Congress and looked the other way to serious corruption in the corporate sector, which has mushroomed into a financial nightmare (with worse to come).

On the opposite side of the aisle, Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain told protestors this week to "blame yourself" for the state of the economy, not the banks and Wall Street, which was unfair. Cain needs to remember, America has tens of thousands of people who have been the victims of ponzi schemers and fraudsters, who stole their life savings, costing them their homes, investments and other assets. He also needs to remember, banks on Wall Street colluded to raise interest rates on mortgages, making payments unaffordable, costing many their homes.

Let's face it - the government has failed. They need to own up to that and stop blaming the everyday citizen for what has transpired. The government sided with the rich and famous, allowing them to do the unthinkable in the corporate sector and that greed has destroyed the prosperity the nation once enjoyed. Full stop. It was an illegal redistribution of wealth, presided over by the White House and Congress and all involved deserved to be voted out on their backsides for it. You have failed the nation.


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