Thursday, October 6, 2011

President Obama Was Ready To Give Solyndra $500 Million More After Finding Out The Company Is Failing

Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama, was ready to dole out $500,000,000 more in taxpayer funds to failed solar company, Solyndra. This is after having given the company $535,000,000 in taxpayer money. The mere fact he was willing to risk so much in taxpayer money again, even after the company failed, says he is not being a good steward of the U.S. economy and his investment abilities are horribly flawed.

President Obama is stuck on the notion that failure is to be rewarded (stimulus after stimulus). He has tried the same policies over and over for nearly three years, yet the U.S. economy continues to worsen. However, he wants to try more of the same, spending enormous sums of taxpayer money in the process, running up the national deficit. Albert Einstein once said the definition of insanity is, "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." You think about that.

Obama's presidency has become so staged and contrived at this point and the public can sense it. You can't fake success nor can you fool it. Hard work is required. Attempting to buy one's way out of trouble does not truly work. It creates a deeper crater each time, until everything collapses and is exposed as rot.


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