Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ashton Kutcher Moves Out Of Home He Shared With Wife Demi Moore Due To Adulterous Hotel Sex With Two Wild Women

23-year-old Sara Leal surfaced yesterday (Photo Credit: Flash City)

Yesterday, October 5, 2011, U.S. Weekly stated that married "Two And A Half Men" star, Ashton Kutcher, 33, had sex with not one, but two women, in his San Diego hotel suite, on his wedding anniversary to wife, Demi Moore, 48, who was on the other side of the country.

Sara Leal on the night she slept with Ashton Kutcher

U.S. Weekly's report lines up with what the Judiciary Report stated the day before, on October 4, 2011, "Moore's husband just frolicked with four naked young women in a hot tub, then slept with one of them. The only thing I'm stunned about is he didn't have sex with more than one of them" (Ashton Kutcher Had Sex With Sara Leal After Bathing In Hot Tub With Her And Her Three Young Female Friends).

Demi Moore is not smiling anymore thanks to Kutcher

Kutcher’s marital failures continue to dominate pop culture headlines. The latest news to surface is Kutcher has moved out of the Beverly Hills martial home he shared with wife of six years, Demi Moore. The move was precipitated by Star magazine publishing photos of Kutcher in San Diego, surrounded by scantily clad young women, including Leal, before he had a night of debauched sex behind his wife’s back, effectively cheating on her and on their anniversary of all times. Can he insult her anymore.

Ashton Kutcher's Twitter profile pic. It's telling he'd have an enlarged nose, as he has been a real Pinocchio.

Moore has reportedly hit the bottle, relapsing into alcoholism in a dangerous bid to drink away her troubles. She needs to face facts. She married an irresponsible, sexually promiscuous young man whose mind has been so destroyed by the sick cult she brought him into, as a means of controlling him (see: A-Rod) he flipped out the first chance he saw freedom.


Ashton Kutcher's Mistress Sara Leal Is Angry And Suicidal Over The Press And Public Attention She Started

Ashton Kutcher Had Sex With Sara Leal After Bathing In Hot Tub With Her And Her Three Young Female Friends

Ashton Kutcher's Mistress Sara Leal Being Accused Of Being A Party Girl Targeting Famous Men

Ashton Kutcher Was Photographed 3-Months Ago Leaving With A Blond Behind Wife Demi Moore's Back

The Photos Of Ashton Kutcher's Latest Young Blond Mistress Sara Leal Reveals She Is Wild And Promiscuous

Ashton Kutcher Has Been Cheating On Wife Demi Moore Again With Another Younger Woman

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Ashton Kutcher's Mistress: He And Demi Moore Have An Open Marriage

Demi Moore Is So Desperate To Keep Younger Ashton Kutcher She Tolerates Cheating


Cover Story: Ashton Kutcher Cheated on Demi Moore With 2 Girls in Hot Tub on Anniversary

Celebrity News October 5, 2011 AT 8:04AM - How did Ashton Kutcher ring in his sixth wedding anniversary with Demi Moore on Sept. 24? With a raucous, Demi-free party at the San Diego Hard Rock Hotel -- which, a source tells the new Us Weekly, culminated in a sexual encounter in a hot tub with local blonde Sara Leal (pictured here) and her pal in his $2,500-a-night hotel suite. (Moore, 48, was elsewhere in the U.S. promoting her directorial work for the Lifetime short film project 5.)