Monday, October 24, 2011

88-Year-Old Woman Being Deported From Britain To Possible Death In Her Home Country

Lydia Werrit

88-year-old Zimbabwean, Lydia Werritt is being deported from Britain, where she has lived for several years, for failing to renew her visa. Werrit, fled Zimbabwe from President Mugabe’s violent henchmen, who seized her farm and reportedly threatened her very life.

Many members of the public, including the Judiciary Report, are beseeching the British government not to deport her. That’s not what Britain is about. By all means, deport the violent criminals, but not a granny who fled her homeland for safety reasons after being persecuted.

I am well aware Britain has experienced a massive swell in immigration, but an elderly woman who could face death must be the exception to deportation rules, as her very life is on the line. The British government has openly denounced the violence associated with Mugabe administration. To send her back would be to unintentionally comply with it. You’re better than that.


UK to deport 88 year old pensioner to Zimbabwe