Monday, October 24, 2011

McDonalds Cashier Accused Of Beating Two Violent Customers Claims Self-Defense In Court

Rayon McIntosh

As the Judiciary Report claimed two weeks ago would be the most plausible scenario, McDonalds’ cashier, Rayon McIntosh, has claimed self-defense in the beating of two violent female customers that physically attacked him without provocation.

The women were seen on video slapping him in the face for no reason, then jumping the counter, while treating to “cut him up” for daring to follow store procedure in scanning a $50 bill they submitted to pay for their meals.

Warning: Video contains violence and profanity

Some McDonalds restaurants do not even accept currency above a $20 bill, due to counterfeit issues with higher denominations. These women should not have attacked McIntosh for doing his job. It was outrageous. I have never seen anyone jump a food service counter and go after a cashier. It is wrong and very unwise.

Legally speaking, further threatening to stab McIntosh, puts the ball further in his court, pardon the pun, for grabbing a cooking rod to beat them back as they charged forward and allegedly kept trying to get back up. The other scenario would have been McIntosh retreating to the back of the restaurant, where he could have been beaten, stabbed and or killed by the two women that threatened to “cut him up.” It is now up to a jury to decide.


NYC Cashier Who Beat Customers Claims Self Defense


McDonalds Cashier Beats Customers With A Metal Rod For Slapping Him Across The Face