Lindsay Lohan
The Palm Desert Police Department, are adamantly stating, trouble prone Hollywood outcast, Lindsay Lohan, has violated her probation, stemming from DUI charges. During a recent stint at the Betty Ford Clinic in California, Lohan hopped the fence of the facility and broke curfew, whilst going to a local bar.
Upon her return to the rehab center, an employee, Dawn Holland, detected alcohol on her breath and observed her behavior was erratic and belligerent, due to inebriation. Holland was instructed to administer a breathalyzer test to check for alcohol use and an irrational and outed Lohan, flew into a rage and physically attacked her. What a smooth way to conceal being drunk (not!). The "Mean Girls" star became a "mean drunk."
Police were called and overheard much of the incident over the phone (why has TMZ not obtained the 911 call yet). Refusing to submit to a breathalyzer test while on probation is a violation of the terms set forth by the court. This constitutes one violation. Lohan also engaged in aggravated stalking, in tracking down and moving next to her unwilling ex-girlfriend, DJ Samantha Ronson, who was very upset at the news. Stalking is a crime. This constitutes two violations of her probation.
Lohan is also involved in the Kabbalah cult, who illegally spy on select individuals in the entertainment field everyday, using private investigators and hackers (which is how she found Ronson's address so quickly and was able to move in next to her immediately after rehab). Lohan is privy to the contents of said illegal spying the cult engages in. This constitutes three violations of her probation.
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