Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Now This Is Just Plain Child Abuse (Baby Mullet)

The 80s were so wrong

While cruising the internet, looking for awkward and painful stories of the dysfunction and idiocy that plagues celebrities, to write about them for your amusement, the Judiciary Report was accosted by the photo posted above, featuring a family sporting 1980s styled mullet hairdos. Oh, the mullet was vicious.

The Judiciary Report adored the 1980s, as they were a fun time. However, some hairstyles and fashion trends that sprang from that decade are cringe inducing. Take the mullet photo for example. That poor little girl was mulleted by her parents and is now a viral photo on the internet, provoking laughter and giggles from many. In short, it was child abuse and I think she has a good legal case against them (kidding).