Lindsay Lohan
Crazy former Hollywood actress, Lindsay Lohan, just got out of rehab and already she is acting in an insane manner. Not only did she stalk her lesbian ex-girlfriend, Sam Ronson, she has rented the townhouse next to hers, infuriating her prey.
Ronson revealed her anger today at finding out what Lohan has done and stated "It was not planned" on her end. Lohan and Ronson have been known to get into physical fights with kicking, scratching and punching. This move in Ronson's direction should count as aggravated stalking.
Once again, proving she has learned nothing about finance and her brushes with bankruptcy, unemployed actress, Lohan, has signed a contract to lease the aforementioned townhouse for $7,100 per month. There are employed actresses in Hollywood that don't even spend that much on actual mortgages. Once again, flushing money down the toilet.
The Palm Desert Police Department in California, has been looking into Lohan's assault of Betty Ford Clinic worker, Dawn Holland. They have referred the case to the L.A. County Probation office and classified it as Lohan having violated her probation. Holland has been paid off by Lohan not to cooperate in the case, but the police reportedly referred the matter anyway.
Lohan also keeps babbling to the press about getting out of rehab, as she has been pressured to go back to work. But what work is she talking about. She is uninsurable in Hollywood. They've been treating her like a pariah.
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