Saturday, July 3, 2010

Gain Or Glory

U.S. President Barack Obama

In watching White House and Congressional squabbles on the news and in the press, in addition to their deeds not yet made public, but talked about in certain circles, one has to lament the prevailing attitude in Washington, illustrating it is not about the greater good, but self-glory and self-preservation. It has been about glory over gain, which is regrettable, as the latter would advance humanity.

The selfishness, corruption, malice, backbiting, uncooperativeness, unlawfulness and warped sense of what public service means in Washington, is detrimental to the entire nation and the whole world.

Many of the problems facing the country can be fixed, but ego, pride and selfish glory, have been placed ahead of the good of the nation and the world. Certain people are determined they must be the ones to have all the say and glory, even if it means holding everyone back, while persisting down the wrong path, as they do not know what they are doing and making existing problems worse.

Unjust wars, nasty national secrets holding humanity back and acts of arrogance in the name of self-promotion, rather than world unity, is terrible. There are things the government is hiding from the public that is holding humanity back and it would break your heart if you knew. But as the Bible states, nothing hidden shall remain in the dark. It will come to light.