Saturday, July 3, 2010

Greed And Desperation To Succeed

U.S. President Barack Obama (left)

It's astonishing the deceitful, corrupt shortcuts and unethical means, some in so-called power will take to succeed, even if it means, jeopardizing the entire nation.

Unsound financial practices continue from the Bush Administration, as President Obama has adopted items from the former Commander-in-Chief's tenure, into his own wanton economic policies.

The nation is constantly being told of a recovery, yet data being released, consistently reveals no such thing is happening in America, as job losses, foreclosures and bank closures continue to spiral out of control.

Pride is an ugly thing, when one ascribes to the motto of "my way or the highway" even when one's way is the wrong way. Some humility and unity is needed. People need to admit they do not know everything and need help.