Wednesday, July 7, 2010

China Arrests U.S. Spy And Obama Shows Double Standard

U.S. President Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama has been privately pleading with the Chinese government, regarding the arrest and sentencing of a naturalized U.S. spy, Xue Feng, 44.

Feng obtained a classified disc, containing information about the Chinese government's oil program and passed it to U.S. intelligence. How hypocritical of the Obama administration to lock up 11 alleged "Russian Spies" on charges most do not understand, which have become the butt of many jokes on television and the internet, yet try to excuse the conduct of, Feng, who spied on China, on behalf of the U.S. government. That's called a double standard.

U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

Feng has committed clear cut crimes of espionage, as he actually obtained national secrets. Whereas, the Russian spies observed the American way of life and tried to befriend U.S. politicians, to promote their national interests.

Entrapment entered the picture, when one of the Russian spies was set up by an FBI agent, to receive a fraudulent U.S. passport. Having written that, it was a clear cut crime to do so, but not one relating to national secrets. The FBI has failed to illustrate to the public what national secrets said Russian Spies stole from the U.S. government.

Xue Feng took a massive risk that did not pay off

If other nations arrested U.S. spies on the same premise used in the case against the Russians, the majority of the CIA would be behind bars all over the world. Compiling and publishing the CIA Factbook would constitute a number of international crime.