Wednesday, July 7, 2010

FBI Director Hypocritically Offended By Blago Speech

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

FBI Director and adulterer, Robert S. Mueller, was taken aback by wiretap tapes of, Governor Rod Blagojevich, in which the politician President Obama threw under the bus on bribery charges, repeatedly used the f-word. Oh please, Mueller's committed far worse crimes than Blagojevich.

Furthermore, for a man that has used the word "nig*er" to describe black people, how odd that Mueller would take offense at Blagojevich using the f-word.


FBI Sued By Former Agent For Racism

The FBI And Racism

The Racist FBI


The FBI agent who ran wiretaps on Blagojevich

It was Cullen who showed Director Robert Mueller into a room in the Chicago FBI building. Mueller asked his bodyguards to step outside and then the tapes rolled for just Mueller, Cullen and Grant. Mueller listened, then stopped.

"Whose voice is that?" he asked. Cullen explained it was Gov. Rod Blagojevich. "Those F-bombs are coming from the governor?" Mueller asked.