Tuesday, December 29, 2009

U.S. Terrorist Lists In Terrible State Of Disarray

Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab

The Judiciary Report, like many other members of the public, struggles to comprehend how a terror suspect, Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, can be on a terrorist watch list, but be conspicuously absent from a no fly list.

His father, Alhaji Mutallab, a high ranking Nigerian government minister and former head of a bank, proclaimed his son a danger to America, as he had become radicalized, formally reported it to the U.S. Embassy and they clearly ignored it.

A man of his stature, a decorated civil servant, reports his own son and you didn't put him on the no fly list. He specifically warned you his son posed a danger to America. How much more specific did you want the warning to be, in order for you to do something about it. Do you know how much it takes for a parent to turn in a child, yet you took it lightly.

Alhaji Mutallab

Clearly Britain thought something was amiss regarding, Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, as they refused to renew his Visa, banning him from the country. Yet the U.S. government allowed him to fly to America on a U.S. Visa.

Once again, as with Fort Hood, people cannot blame the FBI/DOJ, for the things they do not know, but people can blame them for what they do know and they knew about Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, having been given ample warning six months in advance.

FBI And Homeland Security Terrorist Lists

For many months, the Judiciary Report has criticized the haphazard manner in which the FBI and Homeland Security have compiled and poorly maintained the terrorist lists. The most recent article was on August 17, 2009, where the Judiciary Report warned again four months ago:

...Once again, the FBI and Homeland Security face severe embarrassment over a poorly compiled terrorist watch list that at one point even contained the name of U.S. Senator, Ted Kennedy.

It is an embarrassment to national security that these errors by federal law enforcement continue, as it is logical to reason, if the wrong names are getting on the list, senselessly clogging it up, intel is poor and the right names, the real terrorists, are not getting on the list in a timely manner.

The FBI and co. have disorganized, generalized, unfocused terrorist lists, which have not been optimized, as it even famously contains the names of babies and spouses of U.S. Senators. The list even had the name of the late Senator Ted Kennedy, who was hassled on five occasions when he tried to board airplanes.

Think about that. Senator Ted Kennedy was on a terrorist no fly list, but Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab was not. Clearly the lists are garbage.

Warning Signs Ignored

6 days prior to the NWA-Delta attempted bombing on Christmas Day, Al Qaeda released another message, warning of a forthcoming bombing. The U.S. Government ignored it.

This terrorist thing is above the FBI's head. It's not that the terrorists are smarter, because they are not, but the FBI is mismanaged and buried in bureaucracy. The FBI needs to be replaced with a new national law enforcement agency that can defeat the problems facing America. They are not up to the challenge and something very bad is going to come out of it.

Homeland Security

Is the head of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, in denial or just not able to connect the dots when a crisis arises. She's had one PR flap after another this year and now states she believes Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab acted alone. Yet, passengers from the NWA-Delta flight, are now stating, a man who appeared to be in his 50s attempted to get the terrorist suspect on the plane in Amsterdam with no passport, doing all the talking for him.

Uninvestigated terrorism warning about Detroit suspect called not unusual

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told CNN's "State of the Union" that Abdulmutallab's assertions of al-Qaeda contacts and training in Yemen were being investigated, but that "right now, we have no indication" his actions were "part of anything larger."


The FBI was making the same lone wolf claims as well, when Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab's dad warned he had disappeared in Yemen, a known terrorist hot bed, used to train radicalized Muslim men:

Attempted airplane bomber might have acted alone: FBI

2009-12-27 04:19:56 - WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) -- A Nigerian who attempted to set off an explosion device on a Delta international flight might have acted alone, said a Federal Bureau of Investigation official on Saturday.

The official, who spoke on anonymity, told CNN that the suspect, who was identified as Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, has been "talking a lot" to FBI investigators...


Anwar al Awlaki

In some ways it is regrettable Anwar al Awlaki was reportedly killed without being interrogated. A great deal of information could have been obtained, as he clearly knows items relating to the inner workings of today's most devious terrorist cells.

The man had a Facebook page. The government should have traced the source updating it, which would have led to Awlaki and brought him in. He's had a hand in so much terrorism, almost eclipsing Osama in what he represents to Jihadists, yet he was never detained.

American law needs to be changed, as radicalized individuals are calling for Jihad in the United States, with no legal penalty. If calling for Jihad was made illegal in America, law enforcement could easily pick up certain individuals and interrogate them regarding what they know, leading to better intel. Calling for murder is not freedom of speech. That's a death threat.


U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown

The Judiciary Report, like other sites, has expressed in past articles, the serious threat radicalized Muslims pose. They gravitate to Britain, as the nation is quite civil, has many human rights and is a pretty place to live, where one can easily get financial assistance from the government in the form of benefits.

Muslim extremists have taken advantage of that and set up shop in Britain, whose efforts to make different cultures feel welcome, is being exploited by criminals abusing the system to wage Jihad.

Britain has made good strides in deporting those in their midst that call for Jihad, but there is still an element there, subversively indoctrinating university students and disadvantaged youth, who are at a critical, young age and seeking direction.

Here's hoping the British government will ramp up efforts to plant undercover officers in universities, to smoke out such threats, as they pose a great danger to your innocent children seeking to get an education. Britain must fight to keep its identity and shores safe.


Did The FBI Fail Again Part 2

Did The FBI Fail Again

FBI Blew Many Chances To Stop 9/11 Attacks

FBI Blamed For London Bombings

New York Post: The FBI Is Incompetent

FBI Failed To Act On Tip About Abortionist Killer

FBI Denounced By Parents Of Missing Kids

FBI Heads Up Led To Innocent Man’s Murder

FBI Slammed By Scientists That Seek To Sue

FBI's WMD Department Rebuked By IG

Obama Orders Review of Airport Screening

Face the Nation: Spokesman Robert Gibbs Says Obama Wants Review of Watch List Procedures and Detection Capabilities

President Obama has called for a review of watch lists and screening procedures at airports in the wake of attempted terrorist attack to blow up a Delta/Northwest flight on Christmas Day, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said on CBS' "Face The Nation" on Sunday.

"The president has asked for two reviews to take place as a result of this potential terrorist attack," Gibbs said. "The first is a watch listing review… so we want to ensure that all of the information that needs to go to decision makers gets to where it needs to go. The president has asked for a review of the procedures that in some cases are several years old."

Gibbs also said the suspect was on a list of 550,000 people rather than the selectee or the no-fly lists, which encompass about 18,000 people. Gibbs said although the suspect, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was on the larger list, there was not enough information to put him on the smaller lists.


Jet Bomb Ordered By 9/11 Spiritual Leader

Sunday December 27,2009 - AN AL QAEDA commander whose messages have been promoted at British mosques and universities was last night named as the inspiration for the Friday’s failed US bomb plot.

Yemen-based cleric Anwar al Awlaki, a spiritual leader of the 9/11 hijackers and of Fort Hood gunman Major Nidal Hasan, was said to be the man who demanded the attack on the Detroit-bound jet.

Senior Republican congressman Pete Hoekstra said that according to his US intelligence sources, Awlaki and the failed bomber, University College London student Umar Abdulmutallab, had been in touch with each before Friday’s flight.

The 38-year-old cleric is believed to have been the target of a US-backed Yemeni air strike last week. Security sources believe the military assault was launched after American, Yemeni and Saudi intelligence services discovered major terror plots against Western targets.

Initial reports suggested that Awlaki and dozens of other Al Qaeda operatives were killed, but his allies claim he survived.

If his links to the Northwest Airlines bomb are confirmed, it will again expose the increasing threat of radicalisation on Britain’s university campuses.

Although an inspiration for mass murder, the American born imam is a hero to Islamic student societies throughout Britain.

He is invited regularly to send video messages to students who believe he is a devout man of peace...
