Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Federal Government Failing In National Security

From the security breaches at the White House, which enabled unscreened people to get close enough to President Obama to shake his hands, to the latest monumental fumble with the U.S. terrorist watch list that could have ended in the bombing of an airliner on Christmas Day, national security is in a bad way. It needs an overhaul.

Security at the White House is lax, which is regrettable considering Obama is the most hunted man in the world.

It's clear, all the puffed up speeches after 9/11 were a sham, as security issues that existed under the Bush Administration have carried over to the Obama Administration. Both are at fault and the latter needs to get on the ball in this regard, as he is the incumbent.

The current holes in national security have left the American public and visiting foreigners in a lurch, leaving people to fend for themselves in the safety department, as illustrated by incidents of attempted terrorism, carried out in 2001 by shoe-bomber Richard Reid and again in 2009, by drawers bomber, Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab.