Monday, December 21, 2009

The Treachery Behind The Iraq War

Dick Cheney (front) George W. Bush (back)

So much treachery went into the Bush Administration's Iraq war that it is astonishing. Former President George W. Bush and his Vice President, Dick Cheney, pushed so many terrible boundaries that left the world aghast.

New reports have since surfaced that the War in Iraq was planned prior to when the September 11th terrorists attacks occurred, but was used as an excuse to invade the Middle Eastern country.

Former British Prime minister, Tony Blair, set off a barrage of bad articles last week, when he defiantly stated, he would have invaded Iraq with Bush, whether or not Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

The pieces of the puzzle are quite ugly:

Scientist, David Kelly, who refuted the Bush Administration's claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, ended up dead, in what was staged to look like a suicide, but was in fact murder.

Valerie Plame, the wife of U.S. ambassador, Joseph Wilson, was acting as a spy on behalf of America, when she was inexcusably outed by the Bush Administration, due to the fact, her husband came back with a report that didn't serve the purposes of the warmongering President and Vice President. She could have been killed by enemies of the nation, while doing her job, when the Bush Administration exposed her status, out of sheer revenge.

In the hours after the September 11th terrorist attacks, the family of the terrorist that accepted responsibility for the bombings, Osama Bin Laden, was immediately ushered out of America by their old friend, George W. Bush, when they should have been detained for questioning.

In 2009 a report is issued stating under, George W. Bush, chances were squandered, where the U.S. government could have apprehended terrorist Osama Bin Laden.

George W. Bush lied, telling the world Iraqi Prime Minister, Saddam Hussein, had weapons of mass destruction that posed a threat to modern civilization. They invade Iraq, then reluctantly stated to the world, no weapons of mass destruction have been found. Yet, against the American soldiers' wishes, find reason after reason, to stay in the region, while millions of barrels of oil mysteriously go missing, during Bush's illegal occupation of Iraq.

In 2008 Bush is heard wickedly stating to the press he, "Thought the oil would pay for the war." His true intentions revealed once again.

In 2009, the British government issue a report stating, in 2002 former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair and U.S. President George W. Bush, conspired at his ranch in Texas, to invade Iraq and knew in advance that Saddam Hussein had already destroyed the weapons of mass destruction and had nothing to do with September 11th.

Other evidence later surfaces pointing to the fact, the Bush Administration was in on 911, seeking to use it as a precursor for war.

3,000 people died in America during the September 11th terrorist attacks. To date, over 1,000,000 men, women, grandparents, children and babies have died, because of the war in Iraq, with an additional 4,000,000 Iraqis displaced to neighboring countries, such as Syria, fleeing the war torn region.

In short, it was genocide and Bush, Cheney, Blair and Bin Laden should be prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity. But make no mistake, you are currently eluding the hands of the world's justice systems, but you shall not evade the Hands of God's justice. The same misery you inflicted on millions of people, shall return to you, as you, "Reap what you sow."

Saddam lawyer seeking consent to prosecute former UK PM Blair for war crimes

Monday, December 14, 2009 - Saddam Hussein's former lawyer on Saturday asked the British attorney general for consent to prosecute former prime minister Tony Blair for violations of the Geneva Conventions.

Giovanni di Stefano, who represents former Iraqi deputy prime minister Tareq Aziz, sent a letter asking for consent to prosecute Blair after Blair said in a BBC interview aired Sunday that he would have invaded Iraq even if he knew there were no weapons of mass destruction. According to the letter:

In summary the allegation against ANTONY CHARLES LYNTON BLAIR involves a violation of offences within the Geneva Conventions Act 1957 which without doubt and by his own admission can only but be deemed "not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly."

The attorney general's office has not yet commented on the request.

Sir John Chilcot is chairing the Iraq Inquiry, which began investigations in November to determine the legality of the Iraq War. Last month, a letter leaked to the Iraq Inquiry indicated that former UK attorney general Peter Goldsmith warned Blair that the planned invasion of Iraq could be illegal.

Earlier in November, documents implicating improper and possibly illegal conduct in relation to the war were leaked to the British press. In October, a UK High Court criticized the Ministry of Defence for its failure to properly set up an independent inquiry into claims that war crimes had been committed by British soldiers following the so-called "Battle of Danny Boy" in southern Iraq.

Report Blames US Military Leaders for Missing Bin Laden in 2001

29 November 2009 - Senate report says former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the top US military commander General Tommy Franks rejected requests for a massive contingent of American troops to attack Tora Bora mountains.

A U.S. Senate report says top military leaders during the Bush administration had an opportunity to capture or kill Osama bin Laden in December 2001 in Afghanistan, but they failed to send enough American troops to attack his hideout.

The report, by staff of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, concludes that U.S. special forces, CIA officers and Afghan troops had chased the al Qaida leader and his deputy, Ayman al Zawahri, to the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan, but former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the top U.S. military commander, General Tommy Franks, rejected requests for a massive contingent of American troops to attack the area...

Blair and a deal signed in blood: PM and Bush had secret plan to topple Saddam, says envoy

Last updated at 7:46 AM on 27th November 2009 - Britain's former ambassador to the U.S. Sir Christopher Meyer arriving to give evidence to the Iraq inquiry yesterday

Tony Blair and George Bush 'signed in blood' a secret deal to topple Saddam Hussein almost a year before Iraq was invaded, Britain's former U.S. ambassador suggested yesterday.

Sir Christopher Meyer said the ex-Prime Minister's stance on Iraq 'tightened' a day after the two men spent an afternoon meeting in private at the former President's family ranch in Texas.

He also told the Iraq Inquiry that officials found themselves 'scrabbling to find a smoking gun' to prove Saddam had stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) while the U.S. prepared troops for the 2003 conflict.

And in an embarrassing jibe at Mr Blair, Sir Christopher said Margaret Thatcher would not have allowed herself to be handbagged by the White House in the same way...

Blair and Bush 'agreed' on Iraq regime change in private 2002 Crawford Ranch meeting

Last updated at 5:03 PM on 26th November 2009 - Britain's former ambassador to the U.S. Sir Christopher Meyer arriving to give evidence to the Iraq inquiry today

Tony Blair and George W. Bush may have 'signed in blood' their agreement to oust Saddam Hussein in secret talks almost a year before the start of the war in Iraq, it was revealed today.

Sir Christopher Meyer, Britain's ambassador to the U.S. at the time, recounted how the two leaders spent hours speaking in private at the President's ranch in Texas in April 2002.

The very next day, the Prime Minister gave one of his most significant speeches about the Iraqi leader, declaring that he was too dangerous to be ignored and mentioning 'regime change' publicly for the very first time.

Sir Christopher told the Iraq inquiry that the talks appeared to be a major turning point in Mr Blair's view on the threat posed by Saddam and British policy.

Condoleeza Rice had told him within hours of the September 11 attacks in New York that the U.S. was already considering whether there was any link between the atrocity and the Iraqi Leader, the former top diplomat said.

But he said Mr Blair was insistent at that time that there had to be a 'laser-like' focus on Al Qaeda and Afghanistan and Iraq should not come into the equation.

It was not until the meeting at the Crawford Ranch in 2002 that there was a major shift and British and American policy appeared to come together, he said.

By that point, Britain realised that it would be a 'complete waste of time' to try and talk America out of its stance and so instead moved to focus on securing UN approval...