Monday, December 21, 2009

Cover Up In Immigrant's Murder

Video: Pa. Cops Charged With Hate Crime Cover-up

Mexican Immigrant, Luis Ramirez, was viciously and fatally beaten in a terrible hate crime, the police tried to cover up, engaging in criminal acts of obstruction of justice. They deemed his valuable life worthless and not deserving of justice.

He was murdered by two men in Pennsylvania, Brandon Piekarsky and Derrick Donchak, that yelled racial slurs at Ramirez, who had done them no harm. They hated him for being an immigrant. Their deeds were driven by sheer hatred for a young immigrant, trying to live his life in his adopted country.

There's an appalling and dishonorable kind of prejudice that sometimes come into play in the justice system, in cases involving minorities and immigrants. Some deem minorities and immigrants expendable and without rights. It's a very tragic strain of injustice that permeates the justice system. It is very lamentable, as it defies the Constitution and sets a horrific example.

Luis Ramirez

America has an estimated 50,000,000-70,000,000 immigrants, in a nation that was originally founded by Indians. Anglo-Saxons came to America as immigrants from Britain, landing at Plymouth Rock. America is a nation of immigrants, yet it is sad the way some, NOT ALL, treat immigrants.

It is projected, within the next few decades, America with have a Hispanic majority. I know many Hispanics and they are good, hardworking people. Many juggle more than one job to make it. They work, pay taxes and contribute to society. They are human beings God made and do not deserve to be dishonored by anyone, because of their ethnicity.

Immigrants are not slaves, second class citizens or sub-human beings. God created every human on this planet and when one abuses an immigrant, it dishonors God in heaven. We are all equal.

Prosecutor in immigrant's beating death suspected cover-up

December 18, 2009 1:10 a.m. EST - Shenandoah, Pennsylvania (CNN) -- The Pennsylvania prosecutor who failed to secure felony convictions against two teens in the beating death of a Mexican immigrant says he thought his case was "compromised" from the start.

Like many residents in the small, tight-knit eastern Pennsylvanian community of Shenandoah, Schuylkill County District Attorney James Goodman knew that an officer investigating the death of Luis Ramirez was in a relationship with the mother of one the teens involved...

Ramirez, a 25-year-old father of two, was living with the mother of his children, a lifelong resident of Shenandoah. He was walking her sister home the night of July 12 when he encountered Piekarsky, Donchak and several other members of the Shenandoah High School football team, who were leaving a local festival.

Prosecutors alleged that the teens baited Ramirez into the initial confrontation after a night of drinking, hurling racial epithets at the undocumented Mexican immigrant.

After the fight broke up, witnesses said Ramirez came back at the teens. They beat him so severely that, according to medical testimony, brain tissue oozed out of his skull during surgery at a hospital.

Defense lawyers argued that Ramirez's death was a street brawl gone wrong that was not motivated by racial bias. They also suggested that Ramirez was responsible for triggering the second confrontation.

Ramirez's fiancee, Crystal Dillman, said the indictments bring a measure of hope that justice will finally be served.

"We prayed for this day. And it finally happened. It was a gift from God, a Christmas present from God. It was a long-time coming but it was definitely worth the wait."