Saturday, October 10, 2009

Why Is Hollywood So Money Grubbing

The cases of Anna Nicole Smith, Anthony Pellicano, Gary Shandling vs. Brad Gray (case regarding manager harassing, threatening and stealing millions from client), Frankie Lymon ($4,000,000 stolen from singer by record label owner) Disney's unethical eight figure golden parachutes for executives such as Michael Eisner and Michael Ovitz and the widespread, criminal theft of copyrights, in cases such as this one and others, begs the question, why is Hollywood so greedy, money grubbing and lawless.

The worst part is, many of these people are already rich, but greed has so consumed them to the point they worship money and are not satisfied with the millions they have, always wanting more, even if it means breaking the law and criminally destroying other people's human rights and civil rights to obtain it. Disgusting!

The Bible says, "The love of money is the root of all evil" (not having money, but loving money) and Hollywood unequivocally proves it.