Shantel Jackson
In the past, the
Judiciary Report broke stories about Shantel Jackson, the
ex-fiancé of former boxing champion Floyd Mayweather [Floyd
Mayweather's Ex-Fiancée Shantel Jackson Sues The Boxer For Beating
Her Confirming What This Site Previously Stated She Would State
Shantel Jackson Confirms She Is Going To Do A Tell-All About Boxer
Floyd Mayweather Confirming This Site's Previous Claims (Video)]. Here's another one. The story that was released
2-years ago regarding Jackson aborting the unborn twins of Mayweather, was said to be because she did not want to ruin
her figure, but that was not it.
Jackson grew to hate
Mayweather due to his temper and cheating. I was credibly
informed, "She hated him and could not bear the thought of
having his children." It was not because she was scared of
getting fat. Jackson is a gym rat anyway. She could have
easily worked the pregnancy weight off in a few months.

Shantel Jackson and Floyd Mayweather when they were
Jackson and Mayweather
were arguing often and she was angry that he has roughly a
dozen other women, despite the fact they were engaged, in an
engagement she soon realized was going nowhere. At the end
of the day, that relationship was not for Jackson, as she
wanted someone faithful. However, his money enticed her into
saying and bitterly so.
The promiscuous
lifestyle benefits no one in the end. Many men have looked
back with sheer regret, over promiscuity costing them the
one they love, who refused to put up with the cheating. It
also sets a bad example for impressionable audiences, who
imitate the behavior and end up ruining their lives. Either
way, Jackson and Mayweather need to forgive each other and