Michelle Obama (why is she always giving people the stink
face LOL)
A number of people on
social networking and in blogosphere feedback sections have
been slamming U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama, labeling her
“ugly.” Twitter and Facebook are strewn with comments
repeatedly calling her "ugly." Beauty is in the eye of the
beholder and everyone is entitled to their opinions, but
some of the comments resulted in people losing their jobs,
when they took on a racial tone. You can use words to refer
to someone as unattractive, but when you start referring to
them in a negative manner and including their race, whether
they are black, white, Hispanic, Asian or Indian, it is
construed as hate speech.
For example, a white
loan officer, Lisa Greenwood, slammed Michelle Obama on
Twitter stating, "Beautiful?? Seriously she is
an ugly black b–tch." She was fired for her comments, when
people on Twitter complained to her employer. If Greenwood
had referred to her as an "ugly b***h" she likely would not
have been fired. Adding the word "black" to the insult,
created the grounds for termination of employment.
Nonetheless, Greenwood may have a case, as her comments are
covered by free speech. However, if she signed a morality
clause upon taking the job, the case would not be
successful, as she made a racial comment and swore online.

This hairstyle was better for Michelle Obama
A police man in Alabama lost his job over a post he made on
Facebook about Mrs. Obama. Police officer Joel Husk
responded to a question asking if Mrs. Obama spoke any
foreign languages, to which he replied she is, "Fluent in
ghetto." The comment had a racial undertone to it and he was
subsequently fired from the Talladega Police Force for
"violating the city's code of conduct and the social media
policy." Said code of conduct acts as a morality clause, so
he has very little if no legal recourse.
West Virginia mayor, Beverly Whaling, was forced to resign
from her post after agreeing with the social networking
comment of her friend, Clay County Development Corporation
director, Pamela Ramsey Taylor, who stated of in-coming
First Lady Melania Trump, wife of President-elect Donald
Trump, "It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful,
dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing
a Ape in heels. Mayor Whaling responded, "Just made my day

Michelle Obama
Once again, this comment became actionable because it
contained the racially tinged word "ape" in reference to a
black person. Mayor Whaling agreed with the comment, which
resulted in her being forced out of her job. Had the comment
not had the word "ape" it would not have taken on a racial
tone and been permissible, albeit, insulting.
A black woman on Twitter, who goes by the name of Chocolate
Girl 6 made negative comments about Mrs. Obama's looks and
some of the First Lady's supporters began to harass her, "I
love her but Michelle Obama ain’t that cute if we keeping it
a buck. That underbite makes me squint."

Michelle Obama and Barack Obama. This outfit, shoes and
hairstyle did not flatter Mrs. Obama's looks. A longer dress
with those shoes or different shoes would have been better,
as well as not wearing her hair pulled back. This was not
her best look and when you are in the public eye people will
make comments online about it.
Once again, she is another person entitled to their opinion.
However, people are not entitled to harass her for it. She
did not send her comment to Mrs. Obama's account on Twitter
harassing the First Lady. Many people do not view Mrs. Obama
as the model type and have been critical of her looks.
That's their right.
You can't go around harassing people online by directing
comments to their accounts bashing and threatening them over
their opinion. What she said was not hate speech. You can
tell people you don't agree with their assessment, but when
you start sending profanity and threats over their opinion,
you are in violation of the terms of service.

Once again Michelle Obama's hair looks better down than
in a bun...and whoever is doing her eyebrows needs a
One of the things I have noticed is the Obama's are
censorship dictators. They get angry when anyone utters or
writes anything that is less than glowing about them. They
can't deal with criticism and lash out. Many bloggers and
journalists have complained of this. The Obamas behavior in
this regard is not in keeping with the spirit of the
Constitution, regarding free speech and free press.
There are some who think Mr. and Mrs. Obama are attractive
and there are others who think they are ugly.
I don't find him attractive nor do I like him and I
think she would benefit from more flattering clothing
choices, as well as braces (speaking as someone who's had
braces for a minor dental flaw).

Michelle Obama (giving everyone the stink face expression
Some like the First Couple's looks and others do not. That's
life. However, it is disgraceful to go around misusing
government resources to threaten and punish people who
publicly do not agree with or like you. This is what the
Obamas have done via their press office and through
companies such as Google Ads, which is completely juvenile,
petty, vindictive, disturbing and unconstitutional.
Hey, some people don't like me (mostly stupid people with
bad taste) and you don't see me complaining to social media
and blog websites every five minutes trying to get their
accounts taken offline, because at the end of the day I am
secure within myself and know I'm smarter and better looking
than they are (LOL). I'm just teasing, but you get my point.
Alabama police officer fired over racist Facebook post
saying Michelle Obama is 'fluent in ghetto'
Published: 20:03 EST, 19 November 2016 |
Updated: 20:21 EST, 19 November 2016 - An Alabama police
officer has been fired after sharing what many consider to
be racist memes, including on about Michelle Obama, on his
personal Facebook page. Talladega Police Officer Joel Husk
was terminated on Wednesday from the police department in
the city, Talladega City Manager Patrick Bryant said.
Husk shared a meme on his page showing
pictures of Melania Trump with the words, 'Fluent in
Slovenian, English, French,Serbian and German' and another
photo of Michelle Obama with the words 'Fluent in Ghetto.'
Another post Husk, 37, shared showed a photo from the
Facebook group 'Last American Patriots'.
In 2014 a gay Univision television, Rodner
Figueroa, host stated Mrs. Obama resembled one of the
animals in the movie "Planet of the Apes." Calling black
people "ape" or "monkey" is considered a racial slur in
America. Mrs. Obama was offended by his comments and
personally had him fired.
That post showed bodies lying on an apparent
battlefield with the caption, 'Over 620,000 white people
died to free black slaves and still to this day not even 1
thank you,' according to Bryant. Husk was fired for sharing
a racist meme (above) showing a photo of Michelle Obama with
the words 'Fluent in Ghetto', as he violated the city's code
of conduct and the social media policy...
Michelle Obama Gets Woman Fired For Calling Her Ugly
Loan officer gets fired for racist tweet about
Michelle Obama
Posted By: News Desk July 28, 2016 - Lisa
Greenwood took to Twitter after Michelle Obamas speech at
the Democratic National Convention and it ended up costing
her job. "Beautiful?? Seriously she is an ugly black b**ch,"
Greenwood posted about the First Lady, and that was where it
went downhill for the loan officer.
Because Greenwood uses her actual name on
her Twitter account, some social media trolls were able to
track down her Facebook page, and from there, they stalked
her and figured out where she works. Greenwood was a loan
officer for Home Point Financial until Home Point Financial
was mentioned in all sorts of tweets as liberals came out in
force against Greenwood, asking Home Point Financial if they
would continue to employ a ‘racist’ in their ranks.
An unnamed source at her former employer
asserted that Home point Financial was contacted by the
first lady’s office and ultimately Greenwood was fired from
her job.
The first lady’s office declined to comment. This is not the first time Michelle Obama has had someone fired for criticizing her looks, in 2014 an openly gay Univision host who compared Michelle Obama to characters in the movie “Planet of the Apes” alleged that he was fired after the network received a complaint from the White House.
West Virginia mayor resigns after backlash over racist
Facebook post describing Michelle Obama as an 'Ape in heels'
Published: 19:33 EST, 15 November 2016 |
Updated: 06:53 EST, 16 November 2016 - A West Virginia mayor
has resigned following backlash over a racist Facebook post
about Michelle Obama. Mayor Beverly Whaling's resignation
was accepted on Tuesday afternoon by the Clay Town Council
after she posted a response to a racist comment about the
First Lady shortly after Donald Trump was elected president.
'It will be refreshing to have a classy,
beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm
tired of seeing a Ape in heels,' wrote Clay County
Development Corporation director Pamela Ramsey Taylor.
Whaling responded: 'Just made my day Pam.' Clay mayor
Beverly Whaling from West Virginia resigned on Tuesday
following backlash over a racist Facebook post about
Michelle Obama...
Woman Learns the Hard Way Not to Call First Lady
Michelle Obama ‘Ugly’
October 20, 2016 - After Michelle Obama’s
new photoshoot images spread online, many praised the first
lady’s appearance. However, one Twitter user took issue with
Obama’s T Magazine pictures. “I love her but Michelle Obama
ain’t that cute if we keeping it a buck,” user Chocolate
Girl 6 wrote. “That underbite makes me squint.”
The photos feature up-close shots of Obama.
The Harvard alum is seen in a full-face of makeup and sleek
hair. Upon the release of the images, Twitter became flooded
with endearing messages for the stylish 52-year-old. But
Chocolate Girl disagreed. After she voiced her opinion, it
spurred an outpouring of judgment from other Twitter users.
White Woman Fired For Calling Michelle Obama An ‘Ugly
Black Bi**h’
July 27, 2016 - When Michelle Obama gave her
speech at the Democratic National Convention on Monday,
liberals swooned at her eloquence and beauty. Yeah, I know
lefties are dangerously delusional. Somewhere a white woman
was watching and was much less impressed with the First
Lady. On social media this woman wrote that she thought
FLOTUS was an “ugly black bi**h” and now she is out of a
Lisa Greenwood was sick and tired of
liberals saying how beautiful Michelle is so she wrote this
in a now-deleted tweet: "Beautiful?? Seriously she is an
ugly black bi**h." Social media social justice warriors took
great offense with this and contacted Greenwood’s employer.
I’m sure you know what happened next. Home Point Financial
issued this statement:
The individual who made reprehensible
comments regarding last night’s speech by the First lady is
no longer employed with Home Point Financial. Home Point
Financial does not agree with nor condone such comments,
which were made on the individual’s Twitter account. We hold
true to our We Care philosophy – our responsibilities extend
beyond the workplace and into the communities.
So Greenwood made this comment on Monday
night and by Tuesday she was fired. That’s some mighty fast
turnaround, but liberal outrage is a fast moving brushfire.
The thing is, this woman has a killer unlawful termination
lawsuit, and here’s why: she didn’t say anything that wasn’t
100% true...
Michelle Obama Just Embarrassed America In A Huge Way
– Horrible!
August 3, 2016 - People are talking about
the dress First Lady Michelle Obama just wore at the White
House State dinner for the nation of Singapore. It’s
definitely raising eyebrows. The strapless gown was designed
by Brandon Maxwell, who is also the stylist for Lady Gaga.
Michelle wore it while dining with Singapore Prime Minister
Lee Hsien Loong and his wife Ho Ching. These gowns cost as
much as $7,000 and perhaps more… and the taxpayers received
the bill!
As WND reports: The First Lady wore an
ivory-colored Brandon Maxwell dress, according to a White
House pool report. The New York-based designer is a favorite
of Lady Gaga’s, and he recently helped Iman celebrate her
birthday. Maxwell was overseas Tuesday night, but said via
e-mail, “It has been an incredible honor for me and my team
to create this dress for the First Lady. Strong and elegant,
she is the embodiment of the woman that inspires me to
create, and a role model for women all over the world.”
Earlier Tuesday during a tour of the
National Gallery of Art with Mrs. Lee, FLOTUS wore a
sunflower-colored sleeveless Naeem Khan dress. Khan said via
e-mail Tuesday that the dress was designed “with the idea of
something similar to a dress in my resort 2017 collection.
We chose a flattering sleeveless and A-line style for
quintessential summer entertaining, in yellow Guipure lace,
with three-dimensional flowers.”