Many people online are stating if Madonna
was their mother they would be crazy and on drugs too, as she is
Rocco Ritchie, the mentally ill, drug and
alcohol addicted 16-year-old son of crazy pop singer,
Madonna, was arrested by police in London for drug use and
possession. Previously, he was observed engaging in
marijuana smoking and underage drinking, which are both
criminal offense in Britain and his native America.
Police saw him smoking
marijuana with another boy, but he tossed the drugs over a
wall when the authorities approached. However, police found marijuana
residue on his clothes. A search of his bag turned up an
additional quantity of marijuana. He was arrested and taken
to the police station. He was later bailed out.
Rather than paying attention to her
children, Madonna often left her kids behind to chase men
and women half her age, who were not interested in her.
Madonna's offspring have been raised in a bad environment
with underage sex, drugs and alcohol. Gay and straight
people in Hollywood made inappropriate motions towards her
children, who were and are often high on illegal narcotics
or drunk.
Madonna's kids grew up too fast and without
a mother most of the time. Madonna's biological son and
daughter are bisexual and have been so for years, due to
inappropriate circumstances they were exposed to while in
her care. Madonna's daughter had gotten into trouble in
school in America a few years ago, often turning up doing
drugs, drinking alcohol and engaging in underage sex.

A photo of police arresting Madonna's son for drug possession.
Things just got worse for Madonna's son, the day after his
arrest, his girlfriend was seen getting cozy with the son of
former football star David Beckham.
A credible source has informed me Madonna
has been busy using her son's arrest for publicity, emailing
articles to be placed with select publications, turning the
incident into stories about her. She is also trying to pin
the whole thing on her ex-husband, Guy Ritchie, when she is
the worst influence on her offspring.
While Madonna's son was in her care, she
allowed him to do drugs and drink alcohol and post photos of
it on social networking. The photos ended up on several
blogs, as bloggers were alarmed at how drunk and high the
then 13-year-old was in the pics. Madonna also allowed him
to post photos online illustrating he was engaging in
underage drinking of hard liquor in her home.
It has also been stated online that Madonna
bragged about taking drugs with her kids. Madonna's children
have done hard drugs other than marijuana and are full
fledged addicts. They are in danger of overdosing, as they
started taking drugs at a young age, are raging alcoholics
and have severe mental illness from being in the Kabbalah
center cult. They
were raised by a degenerate and have seen her terrible
behavior up close. It should not be a surprise to anyone
that her children have not turned out okay. They are
troubled and are unwisely using drugs and alcohol to escape
what they have seen and the pain they feel.
Madonna's son was born in America. If he
keeps getting arrested in Britain, especially if they catch
him with the other hard drugs he has done or he continues to
go around being a troublemaker disturbing neighborhoods in
acts that turn violent, he could be deported. Both America
and Britain have a policy of deporting non-citizens if they
commit specific types of crimes.