Taco Bell
Mexican food is delicious. Taco Bell knows this, hence the
creation of their restaurant chain. 22-year-old Logan
Badgley, beat his mom in the head with a hockey stick, after
her debit card was declined at a Taco Bell in Memphis,
Tennessee. Badgley's mom had warned him in advance that
there were inadequate funds in her account, but he took her
debit card and used it anyway.
When the card was declined at Taco Bell, Badgley returned
home and attacked his poor mother. The blow to the head
knocked Badgley's mom unconscious. He hit her with such
force it created "a laceration to the head." His mother must
be devastated to know he did such a thing to her.

Logan Badgley
Badgley, who has been charged with aggravated assault, is
invoking the inadequate drunk defense, while he sits in jail
awaiting a November 1, 2016 court hearing on his case.
However, he is what is known as "a mean drunk" and needs to
do time for inflicting grievous bodily injury upon his
defenseless mother. He needs to learn to be responsible for
his actions, to prevent this from happening again.
Badley needs to apologize to his mother. A traumatic brain
injury is a serious matter than has damaging long term
effects. He also needs to enroll in rehab. He is wasting his
life being drunk and is posing a danger to the community
erupting in spontaneous acts of violence. Substance abuse is
a serious issue and one that has become a problem all over
the world.
Man, 22, Denied Taco Bell Batters His Mother
Police: Victim hit over head with a hockey stick
Man, 22, Denied Taco Bell Batters His Mother
Police: Victim hit over head with a hockey stick
OCTOBER 24--A Tennessee man struck his
mother in the head with a hockey stick after he
unsuccessfully sought to use her debit card to purchase food
at Taco Bell, police report. Investigators allege that Logan
Badgley, 22, argued with his mother Saturday evening
“because he wanted her debit card so he could go get some
Taco Bell.” Though Badgley’s mother told him “there was no
money in the account,” he “took the card anyway and left the
In short order, Badgley returned to the
family's home in Lakeland, a Memphis suburb. The victim told
cops that her son was angry because he had discovered the
card could not cover his Taco Bell purchase. According to a
criminal complaint, Badgley confronted his mother in the
garage, where he “grabbed his hockey stick” and struck her
on the left side of the head. The blow knocked the woman to
the ground, where she lost consciousness...