Hillary Clinton
FBI Director, James Comey, made a complete jackass of
himself during the recently concluded U.S. presidential
election. First he opened a case into the most corrupt
presidential candidate in U.S. history, Hillary Clinton,
stating she mishandled classified documents at the State
Department, when she was Secretary of State, under outgoing
president, Barack Obama.
Clinton did in fact do what she was formally accused of
perpetrating. If the government has policy and law that
clearly stipulates you do not run a private server that is
unencrypted and contains no anti-virus and malware
protection, you don't do it. Clinton's server was hacked and
American secrets downloaded from her emails.
Clinton put greedy, power and ambition ahead of the law and
good judgment in running a private server, as she wanted to
freely solicit bribes and engage in other illegal maneuvers
to expand her bank account via the Clinton Foundation and
promote her now failed dream of becoming President of the
United States.
The FBI is sitting on evidence Clinton broke the law in a
number of matters. They bought into the hype, fake promises
of continued employment and bribery, then let Clinton skate
on very serious criminal behavior. Clinton had one of her
top bundlers, Terry McAuliffe, bribe Jill McCabe, the wife
of FBI deputy director, Andrew McCabe, with a check for
$500,000 for her senate campaign.
McCabe was working on the criminal case into Clinton's
unlawful behavior. After the $500,000 check arrived in his
wife's hands, the case against Clinton was mysteriously
closed. Comey was also promised continued employment at the
FBI, as was Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Department
of Justice.
As stated in the column previously, the FBI has been caught taking bribes on different occasions, to derail serious criminal cases, so this is right up their ally (FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating and Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases (Video)].

Current FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller and President Barack Obama
Comey believing the polls that Clinton would win, corruptly
let her criminal behavior slide, with the promise he could
keep his job as FBI Director, so steeped in corruption it is
difficult to tell the difference between him and the
criminals he is supposed to be arresting. And that's an
absolute disgrace.
Then to reopen the case days before the election, due to
significant public backlash on social networking, only to
get cold feet in the face of President Obama's corrupt
threats and close it again, as so-called "new" emails were
discovered (belonging to Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner) is
pathetic and cowardly on every level. Clinton's emails were
on Weiner's computer. He had no authority to be in
possession of said emails, furthering proving how inept and
sloppy Clinton and her team were with classified emails.
The Judiciary Report knew Trump would win the election and
articles published to the site prior to the election
indicate this fact. All I kept thinking month after month is
look at these so-called law enforcement officials kissing
the wrong butt (Clinton's rather than Trump's) discrediting
and disgracing the agency in the process for the whole world
to see, over a woman who is not even going to become
president. The FBI's name is gone. Let that be a lesson to
you, if you're going to be a butt kisser, make sure you kiss
the right butt.
In my estimation, one good thing came out of Clinton's
corrupt, ill-fated presidential run, she single-handedly
proved what I have stated on this site for years, the FBI are corrupt bribe takers and the agency
needs to be closed. For Comey to stand up on television and
tell America and the world if you do what Clinton did we
will arrest and convict you, but we are going to let her get
away with it, was one of the most smug, arrogant, corrupt,
disgraceful moments in history. What a horrible example to
set for the public.
The problem with the people on the wrong side of the law
regarding the aforementioned case is they think they own
America. They were elected and appointed to serve the
American people in various capacities at the FBI, DOJ State
Department and White House, but are serving their own
financial interests, political ambitions and egos. I don't
care who you are or who you think you are in this life, no
human being owns any nation. God owns this world. You live
in it, just like everyone else and the rules apply to you
too. Humble yourself lest God does it for you.
Top Clinton Bundlers Were Major Donors to Wife of FBI’s Andrew McCabe
Top Clinton Bundlers Were Major Donors to Wife of FBI’s Andrew McCabe
November 7, 2016 4:55 pm - Bundlers for
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign joined Clinton ally
and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe in donating to the state
senate campaign of Jill McCabe. The Wall Street Journal
first reported on donations from Common Good VA, McAuliffe’s
political action committee, to McCabe’s Virginia state
senate campaign in 2015. McCabe is the wife of Andrew
McCabe, the FBI deputy director who helped in the
investigation into Clinton’s email practices.
McAuliffe contributed $467,500 to McCabe’s
campaign through his PAC, making her the third-largest
recipient of contributions from McAuliffe in 2015. The
Virginia Democratic Party provided an additional $207,788 to
McCabe in the form of mailers, the Wall Street Journal
noted. However, McAuliffe was not the only Clinton backer to
contribute to McCabe’s campaign. Four top bundlers for
Clinton-related efforts combined to give McCabe more than
McAuliffe’s PAC, the Virginia Democratic
Party, and donors who have bundled at least six figures for
Clinton combined to provide $881,469 in funding to McCabe
last year, or half of the amount she raised during her
Obama Demanding Black People Vote For Hillary Clinton Who Referred To Black Men As ‘Super Predators’ And Had A Hand In Locking Up 2 Million Black Males During Her Husband's Administration In The 1990s
Obama Demanding Black People Vote For Hillary Clinton Who Referred To Black Men As ‘Super Predators’ And Had A Hand In Locking Up 2 Million Black Males During Her Husband's Administration In The 1990s