President-Elect Donald Trump, his son Barron and wife Melania
Donald Trump has been
elected President of the United States in a decisive
victory. He defeated Hillary Clinton, wife of former
president, Bill Clinton. There was a record voter turnout
via Americans saying "Never Hillary." It was the most
contentious election in U.S. history.

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine were tearful in defeat. Hillary Clinton conceding defeat to Trump stated, "This is painful, and it will be for a long time."
It's no secret the
Judiciary Report is
not a fan of Hillary Clinton and via a stream of
articles petitioned the public not to elect her President of
the United States. She is the most corrupt politician in the
history of the United States of America ['Clinton Cash' Documentary Exposes Hillary Clinton And Bill
Clinton Going From Broke To $2 Billion Dollars In Bribe
Money From Global Dictators And Businesspeople Stealing From
The Poor And Harming The Environment (Video)].
When the public finds out the full truth the FBI, CIA and
Obama are covering up about the heinous crimes Clinton has
committed, they will be well and truly appalled. And make no
mistake, the truth will come out.

Barack Obama
If the U.S. government is to attempt to get its name back in the world, they need to call for congressional hearings and indict Clinton for the laundry list of (ongoing) crimes she has committed at the Clinton Foundation and while U.S. Secretary of State. The crimes are breathtakingly bad and astonishingly corrupt. Clinton brought suffering on many people worldwide. Innocent people also died because of her actions.
Clinton Stole The
Nomination From Bernie Sanders

A NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll states Bernie Sanders
would have beaten Donald Trump in a general election
The Democrats should not have allowed Clinton to become the nominee, as she stole the nomination. As I've repeatedly stated on the site, sounding like a broken record at this point, Bernie Sanders should have been the nominee for the Democrats. He is the better human being. He had a good vision for America. I do believe the world would have interacted with Sanders in a positive way.
Clinton engaged in
unprecedented corruption and stole the nomination from
Sanders, in acts that can only be described as disgraceful
and corrupt. Bribes, threats and dirty political tricks were
used, such as leaving his name off ballots in select U.S.
states. Clinton conscripted former DNC chair, Florida's
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, into her web of corruption to rob
Sanders of the nomination. Clinton ran the most corrupt,
inorganic candidacy in American history and the end result
is just, in light of what she did to Sanders.
The Media
The media behaved very
badly in a completely biased manner. There are things Trump
has said that I do not agree with, but the media took things
to extremes with their biased, unbalanced coverage. They
confirmed many Americans worst fears that the media is
controlled by a handful of people, who are suppressing news
that does not fit their narrative and agenda.
One newspaper, the
Daily Commercial, even
apologized for its unbalanced reporting during the election.
This election has discredited many media outlets in America.
When Trump won the election, the arrogance some media
outlets were displaying disappeared, replaced by humility
brought on by circumstances that have embarrassed them.
Google became so toxic
and corrupted under the Obama Administration. I began using
Google many years before President Obama was elected. It was
a thoughtful, innovative, unbiased company. They were trying
to get the news out there and let the public decide. Then,
Barack Obama, got his egomaniac tentacles into Google and
turned it into an abusive, biased, cruel censorship machine,
destroying the company's name in the process.
Obama used Google to
punish and silence his critics, which only served to make
things worse, as bloggers took to the internet in droves to
tell the public about the abuse of free speech and free
press laws, via a president criminally violating the U.S.
Constitution through the corporation. When it was time for
Clinton to run for office, she and Obama conscripted Google
into their misconduct via engaging in even more censorship.
Google irrationally
removed Donald Trump as a candidate in the election in their
search engine results. It is one of the dumbest things I
have ever seen. Patently crazy. They insanely tried to
re-write history on behalf of a corrupt candidate and it was
shameful. Obama and Clinton discredited and greatly damaged
a valuable company, Google, with their behavior and the full
extent of the damage will been seen in the not too distant
Facebook also got in on
the act, editing and suppressing search results and news
items on their site, in support of Clinton. This too was
unconstitutional censorship and extreme media bias. I've
stated from the beginning regarding this madness, if as a
politician you claim to care about the country, how can you
meddle in the corporate sector in this manner. You did not
create companies such as Google, Apple and Facebook, among
others, yet are arrogantly trying to control them for your
own benefit and to the nation's detriment, in conduct that
is and will further be financially damaging.
Trump Presidency
I do not agree with Trump's position on Mexicans (the wall to keep them out) and Muslims (banning from America). I think he should back away from the idea of banning Muslims and moving forward any further with the wall, because after all the record spending President Obama has done, the money will be needed elsewhere. From my perspective, the wall was never to keep Mexicans out. America needs Mexicans. My concern regarding all America's borders on the North, South, East and West has been terrorists, bioterrorism and incendiary devices that can be smuggled in through open borders, such as expanses of land and ports (Miami ect).
Beginning in the 1980s, there were news reports on a regular basis of something or someone being snuck through the Port of Miami. America has several other high traffic ports as well. No nation of this world should want to have its borders infiltrated by people seeking to harm the nation. That's not xenophobia. It's just common sense and good security.
If it were up to me, there would be a visa work program for Mexicans. They have proven they are hardworking, dependable and on the whole just want a better life. Yes, there are some Mexicans who have broken the law, but guess what, you've got people from every single nation of this world who have broken the law around the globe, including in their own nations.
Trump also need not take the war path. It is costly in lives and money. It's best to keep the peace. There is no issue that calls for war. Everybody needs to remain calm and look at things from a peaceful perspective. We all need to respect each other in the world and do our best to dwell in peace.
I do not agree with Trump's position on Mexicans (the wall to keep them out) and Muslims (banning from America). I think he should back away from the idea of banning Muslims and moving forward any further with the wall, because after all the record spending President Obama has done, the money will be needed elsewhere. From my perspective, the wall was never to keep Mexicans out. America needs Mexicans. My concern regarding all America's borders on the North, South, East and West has been terrorists, bioterrorism and incendiary devices that can be smuggled in through open borders, such as expanses of land and ports (Miami ect).
Beginning in the 1980s, there were news reports on a regular basis of something or someone being snuck through the Port of Miami. America has several other high traffic ports as well. No nation of this world should want to have its borders infiltrated by people seeking to harm the nation. That's not xenophobia. It's just common sense and good security.
If it were up to me, there would be a visa work program for Mexicans. They have proven they are hardworking, dependable and on the whole just want a better life. Yes, there are some Mexicans who have broken the law, but guess what, you've got people from every single nation of this world who have broken the law around the globe, including in their own nations.
Trump also need not take the war path. It is costly in lives and money. It's best to keep the peace. There is no issue that calls for war. Everybody needs to remain calm and look at things from a peaceful perspective. We all need to respect each other in the world and do our best to dwell in peace.
International Relations
The U.S.
government should seek to be at peace with other nations.
There's nothing wrong with being at peace with community
nations such as China, Russia and Cuba. There is talk in the
press of Trump seeking to revert to cold war status with
Cuba, but that would be a mistake. Cuba is geographically
close to America. It is best to be at peace with them and
not renew or expand any financial sanctions. Allow the Cuban
people a chance to live financially prosperous lives with
the hope it will lead to more democracy. Do not be an
aggressor. Let Cuba grow and change through kindness.
Iranian nuclear deal should have been properly vetted by
Congress. Obama's massive payment to Iran is also unsettling
Is Giving Iran 1.7 Billion Dollars In Taxpayer Money In
Violation Of Longtime U.S. Policy).
Social Security
should not get rid of Social Security, as it will produce
widespread poverty and homelessness in America. Many elderly
Americans paid into Social Security for decades and need
that money to live in their old age. Many elderly are too
old and sick to work. They depend on their social security
checks to pay for necessities such as housing, utilities and
The U.S.
government should focus on repairing the economy. Many
Americans are still without jobs. The cost of living in
America has surpassed income in many states, which is
creating financial hardship for many people.
White House and legislature need to work together in a calm,
rational manner. For the sake of the American people here's
hoping things work out.