Barack Obama
The U.S. Government Accountability Office has released a report slamming President Barack Obama for spending $3,600,000 of American taxpayer money on one weekend of golfing in Illinois and Florida in February 2016. Obama spent the weekend golfing with Tiger Woods, whose putter he can't even carry (I'm not going to indulge Obama's delusional fantasy that he is Tiger Woods on the golf course and Michael Jordan on the basketball court).
I ask, what is wrong with the golf courses near the White House in Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland. Many people use them and have no complaints. Yet Obama is constantly flying to Florida and Hawaii to golf and on the taxpayers' dime. It doesn't look good. They have no conscience. They went into office virtually broke, then along with their cronies, raided the U.S. treasury.
Obama has been living like a king on taxpayer money and so has his wife, First Lady, Michelle Obama. They have spent more taxpayer money on themselves than any other first couple in U.S. history. They should be embarrassed and ashamed of that. Being head of state is about public service, not the public serving you with their time and tax dollars.

Michelle Obama
Senator John Barrasso, the ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation, excoriated Obama for his wasteful conduct, regarding the pricey Illinois and Florida golf trip. Barrasso stated, "At a time when government agencies and programs were preparing to implement tough cost saving measures in order to meet the budgetary constraints of sequestration, President Obama chose to use taxpayer money for a weekend trip to play golf."
This $3,600,000 golf trip adds to the $70,000,000 the Obamas have disgracefully spent on vacations while in office (that massive figure does not even include their expensive vacations this year, as they've not been included in the tally at this time). Do you know how many poor people could have been fed with that money. Do you know how many teenagers could have been sent to university with that money.
Obama's behavior is this regard is terrible. It shows a great lack of character and decency to waste taxpayer money on such a grand scale. It's a sign of poor breeding. There's no excuse for this and to make it worse, it occurred during difficult financial times in America.
Taxpayer Tab For Obama Trip That Included Golf With Tiger Woods: $3.6 Million
Taxpayer Tab For Obama Trip That Included Golf With Tiger Woods: $3.6 Million
11:13 PM 10/24/2016 - Taxpayers shelled out millions of dollars in 2013 when the golf-addicted President Obama took Air Force One to Florida on vacation and played a round of golf with Tiger Woods, according to a new government study. From Feb. 15-18 in 2013, the president went on a four day trip that included an official speech in Chicago and some leisure time in Palm Beach, Florida.
According to a forthcoming report by the Government Accountability Office that was obtained early by The Daily Caller, the government spent a total of $3.6 million to fly, protect and support the president during this trip to Illinois and Florida. The GAO report was requested by Sen. John Barrasso, a Republican senator from Wyoming. The letter was sent during the political debates of 2013 over the automatic spending cuts to government services, known as sequestration.
In November of 2013, Barrasso — who was the ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure — asked the comptroller general of the United States to have the GAO “assess the costs to taxpayers for President Obama’s trip to Florida in February.”
“At a time when government agencies and programs were preparing to implement tough cost-saving measures in order to meet the budgetary constraints of sequestration,” Barrasso wrote, “President Obama chose to use taxpayer money for a weekend trip to play golf. I have heard from a number of concerned constituents in my state who believe the money used for this trip could have been spent in a manner that would have reduced the federal deficit or have helped reduce the impact of sequestration on the public.”...
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights Abuses
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights Abuses