Barack Obama and Madonna
I affirm under penalty of perjury the following
information is 100% true and correct:
Case Background
FBI Illegally Passes My Copyrights To NASA For Unlawful Use
Obama Administration Invasion Of Privacy And Harassment
Obama Administration Invades My Privacy And Harasses My Family In The International Community
Obama Administration Criminally Follows And Harasses Me In Britain And Illegally Approaches My British Family
Obama Administration Showed Up At My Aunt's House While I Was Out in Central London And Began Harassing Her
Obama Administration Harasses Me In London Computer Cafe
Obama Administration Harasses Me In London Park
Kabbalah Center Cult Members From Miami Approach Me In London's Hampstead And Highgate
Obama In London's West Hampstead
Obama Administration Follows And Harasses Me In My Homeland Of Jamaica Via Hacking And Drone
Victimized By Fraudulent Foreclosures And Mortgage Scam
Madonna's Hacker Randy Vaughn Hacks Bank Placing Sick Newscaster's Home Into Foreclosure When I Leased It
Madonna's Kabbalah Center Criminally Interferes With First Guaranty Mortgage Loan (Coester VMS, Jane Muir, Judge Eric Hendon)
HIPAA Violations
Madonna Illegally Steals Copyrighted Dress Design And Sells It To Dressmaker Of Her Ex-Husband's "Cousin" Kate Middleton In Violation Of The Law
Harassed At Buckingham Palace
FBI Illegally Passes My Copyrights To NASA For Unlawful Use
Obama Administration Invasion Of Privacy And Harassment
Obama Administration Invades My Privacy And Harasses My Family In The International Community
Obama Administration Criminally Follows And Harasses Me In Britain And Illegally Approaches My British Family
Obama Administration Showed Up At My Aunt's House While I Was Out in Central London And Began Harassing Her
Obama Administration Harasses Me In London Computer Cafe
Obama Administration Harasses Me In London Park
Kabbalah Center Cult Members From Miami Approach Me In London's Hampstead And Highgate
Obama In London's West Hampstead
Obama Administration Follows And Harasses Me In My Homeland Of Jamaica Via Hacking And Drone
Victimized By Fraudulent Foreclosures And Mortgage Scam
Madonna's Hacker Randy Vaughn Hacks Bank Placing Sick Newscaster's Home Into Foreclosure When I Leased It
Madonna's Kabbalah Center Criminally Interferes With First Guaranty Mortgage Loan (Coester VMS, Jane Muir, Judge Eric Hendon)
HIPAA Violations
Madonna Illegally Steals Copyrighted Dress Design And Sells It To Dressmaker Of Her Ex-Husband's "Cousin" Kate Middleton In Violation Of The Law
Harassed At Buckingham Palace
This is a difficult, stressful and upsetting
article for me to write, but I am thoroughly disgusted by
what is transpiring against me, my family and friends at the
hands of the Obama Administration, including the unhinged
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in criminal support
of the depraved, thieving Kabbalah Center cult of
celebrities in Hollywood, who bill themselves "the
Illuminati" led by crazy pop star Madonna. I've been trying
to put this whole thing behind me but every week they do
something else to me.
For background information on the matter,
please read this lawsuit.
For disclosure purposes, I am a peaceful, black conservative
Christian, who is non-violent. I have no criminal record or
history of questionable behavior. I admire the legacy of
peaceful, non-violent people such as Martin Luther King Jr.
I am not a Democrat or Republican. I hold dual citizenship
to Jamaica, my homeland and America. However, due to the
human rights abuses being committed against me by Hollywood,
with the support of the U.S. government, namely the FBI via
corruption, I am going to expatriate. When you hold
citizenship to a country whose government is actively
committing sick human rights abuses against you and your
family, it presents legal complications regarding your
rights, safety, welfare and assistance in protecting your
very life.
None of this is meant to hurt the American
people, but Hollywood and the U.S. government are doing some
very sick, depraved and evil things concerning me, due to an
unlawful campaign to greedily steal very valuable copyrights
I wrote over the course of 25-years, as well as forthcoming
pharmaceutical patents for life saving drugs I authored. I
was a child prodigy and I have a very high IQ that ranks in
the genius range. This has resulted in me being terribly
exploited and abused by Hollywood and the U.S. government.
The Judiciary Report has broken 288
exclusive stories and
counting that later proved true and correct via mainstream
news reports, world news developments and court case
verdicts. Here is another one. Many of you who read the site
regularly know of the case I filed against crazy,
thieving washed up pop
star, Madonna and her equally deranged cult, the
Kabbalah Center, who have been insanely targeting me for
years (Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The Kabbalah Center).
I filed an online complaint with the
Metropolitan Police in London, England in October 2005,
regarding Madonna and her business partner, Rupert Murdoch,
engaging in commissioned wiretapping, hacking and
harassment, breaking the story first on the internet as
well, in what became the phone hacking scandal in Britain.
The first arrests were made in London months after I filed
my complaint with the police and went public with the
I filed a formal complaint via U.S. mail
(with delivery confirmation) with the FBI in September 2005,
after a trip to London, England, where Madonna sent crazy
members of the Miami branch of her sick Kabbalah Center to
follow me to and around Britain, in criminal acts of
stalking, where they harassed and terrorized me. Under U.S.
law, this constituted serious felonies known as "aggravated
stalking" and "aggravated harassment" in conduct that
crossed international lines, making the criminal offenses
even worse, as stated in the U.S. Code (which are the U.S.
statutes regarding the prosecution of criminal behavior).
After telephoning to check on the status of
the complaint, I was called into the FBI in Miami about the
matter in November 2005. They questioned me for
approximately a half an hour and told me to come back the
next business day with documents related to Madonna's
criminal behavior and that of her private investigator,
Anthony Pellicano. When I went back to the FBI the next
business day as they had requested, they questioned me for
another half an hour and I gave them the documents they
requested during the previous visit. During each visit, the
FBI agents took notes as they questioned me and in the
presence of a surveillance camera.
During the second visit, the FBI agent
promised me an investigative report on the case, which is
standard practice. Four months later in February 2006 they
arrested Madonna and Hillary Clinton's deranged, violent,
mafioso private investigator, Anthony Pellicano. He is
currently serving a 15-year prison sentence for wiretapping,
hacking, identity theft, harassment and racketeering, done
on behalf of cowardly famous people who paid him $100,000
per person to targeted the people they selected in sick
ways. Pellicano was convicted of things I formally accused
him and Madonna of to the FBI during the two interviews at
the Miami branch of the FBI and on this site read by
millions around the world. In fact, select items I stated to
the FBI, as well as wrote on this website, appeared in the
formal Department of Justice indictment of Anthony Pellicano,
word for word (verbatim).
Pellicano is a dangerous, evil, wicked man,
who threatened to harm and kill the small children of
innocent people crazy celebrities paid him to target.
Pellicano staked out little children's schools, took
pictures of the kids at and in front of the school, circled
the kids in red marker, mailed it to their parents with
threats to kill them if their parents did not do what
deranged Hollywood celebrities wanted. Pellicano was hired
by Hollywood celebrities to terrorize people over their
copyrights, trademarks, business deals, film and music
royalties, failed relationships, journalists writing
unflattering articles in the press and online, sexually
spurned celebrities. You name it. Hollywood is crazy.
One crazy Hollywood executive paid Pellicano
$100,000 to terrorize and assault an innocent, beautiful
woman in Los Angeles for dumping him. She left him because
she realized the Hollywood executive is violent, abusive and
evil. For that he sent Pellicano after her to issue threats,
engage in assault, break into her home, wiretap her, slash
her tires and terrorize her employers into firing her.

Left to right: current FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller and President Obama
Based on what one of my credible,
unimpeachable sources responsible for some of
my exclusives informed me,
the FBI director at the time, Robert S. Mueller, took a
bribe and derailed my case and that of others such as Los
Angeles Times journalist, Anita Busch, who complained that
Hollywood stars and executives knowingly and criminally
hired Anthony Pellicano to wiretap, hack, harass, threaten,
assault and burglarize them (us). It is true. Hollywood
stars knew exactly what Pellicano was doing in breaking the
law and that's why they hired him and paid him $100,000 per
person targeted, which is an offense under U.S. law in
commissioning criminal conduct.
Busch was wiretapped, burglarized,
threatened, harassed, her car bugged with surveillance
equipment, then a bullet hole shot through her windscreen by
two thugs hired by Anthony Pellicano to terrorize her on
behalf of millionaire Hollywood executive, Michael Ovitz. By
right and under U.S. law, Ovitz should have been imprisoned
for commissioning criminal behavior, but Mueller let him and
others such as sick Scientology's crazy actor, Tom Cruise,
walk free. Cruise was accused of using Pellicano to wiretap
his then wife, Nicole Kidman, who complained on an illegally
recorded phone call the FBI obtained during a raid of
Anthony Pellicano's office that her husband has been
illegally spying on her through the private investigator, in
criminal violation of U.S. law.
The FBI has repeatedly been caught taking
bribes. A few examples are:
Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious
Cases (Video).
In exchange for a bribe, FBI Director
Mueller agreed not to imprison Madonna for commissioning
illegal wiretapping, computer and email hacking, criminal
copyright infringement, aggravated harassment, aggravated
assault, aggravated stalking, racketeering, unlawful access
to stored email data and violations of the Civil Rights Act,
which constitute hate crimes. Mueller is a white supremacist
who has been repeatedly sued for discriminatory, racist and
harmful conduct towards black, Hispanic and Muslim American
civilians, as well as minority FBI agents who filed suit and
left the agency because of his brazen racism.
Muller is an outright racist who hates
minorities, as well as Chinese and Russian people, labeling
them all communists, who are a threat to America. Never mind
there are millions of Chinese and Russian people living in
America, who became citizens, dutifully pay taxes and have
never done the United States any harm. There children have
been born and raised in America as well.
The FBI's misconduct regarding me began
under the George W. Bush administration that appointed FBI
Director Mueller. However, the human rights abuses went to
unprecedented, cruel heights under the Barack Obama
administration, who kept Mueller on as FBI Director.

Barack Obama
The FBI illegally gave Madonna and her
cronies in Hollywood clearance to criminally infringe as
much of my Library of Congress registered, preexisting
copyrights as they'd like, in criminal violation of the law,
in exchange for the bribe Madonna issued. The FBI in return
promised not to imprison Madonna and her famous cronies for
said crimes, though U.S. law dictates their actions warrant
incarceration, massive fines and the forfeiture of all
proceeds from the criminal activity.
Since the time I went public with
allegations of corruption at the FBI (beginning in 2006),
the American people and the world then watched in
astonishment and disgust this year as the FBI corruptly did
not imprison Hillary Clinton, whose conduct in mishandling
classified documents as Secretary of State under President
Obama, constituted several felonies (FBI
Hit With Massive Backlash From Americans Labeling Them
'Corrupt' For 'Rigging' Hillary Clinton Investigation Into
Mishandling Classified Information And Not Charging Her For
Crimes She Committed and
Members Of Congress Question FBI Director James Comey In
Hearing About Hillary Clinton Lying To The Legislature And
FBI Under Oath).
The FBI, via its new director, James Comey,
who took the helm of the agency in 2014 after Mueller's
corrupt tenure that harmed America, even told the American
people and the world if they did what Clinton did the agency
will indict and imprison them. Comey has been an FBI
official throughout my case, having served under former FBI
Director Robert S. Mueller. He is just as bad as Mueller.
Madonna and her cronies in Hollywood, among
others associated with them, have gone wild in criminally
stealing my preexisting copyrights and spreading them all
over the place, in violation of the law. An attorney
informed me and my dad that my unreleased, preexisting
copyrights are being unlawfully passed around the A&R
departments of Hollywood record labels and illegally used
without permission. Another expert informed me my copyrights
are also being illegally passed around Hollywood film and TV
studios and brazenly infringed for undue, illegal and
illicit financial gain. Hollywood is truly an industry of
thieves, frauds, liars and criminals.
FBI Illegally Passes My Copyrights To
NASA For Unlawful Use
The FBI got in on the act as well. For
example, for years I've had an interest in aeronautics. I
have written a number of articles on the subject for this
site, that later proved timely and correct (such as
Junk Causing Military Concerns Of Confrontations
ESA Probe Lands On Comet But Trouble Strikes
ESA Searching For Rosetta Philae Probe That Is Now
Transmitting Pictures But Running Out Of Solar Battery Power
Endangering The Space Mission
among others).
For years, I've also tweeted and retweeted
many items on aeronautics on
my Twitter page. I
also have unpublished copyrights I have authored on
aeronautics. Some of it is factual, while others are science
fiction for movie scripts and synopsis for films I have
Prior to sending items to the Library Of
Congress in Washington, DC for copyrights, I sometimes do
what is known as "a poor man's copyright." When I get an
idea for a song, movie script, book or TV show that I don't
want to forget, I email myself at two email boxes I own
using the "cc" feature, which also establishes date of
authorship. One is my private email address and the second
one is my business email address, as a secondary back up,
which both automatically renders a time and date stamp to
establish the date of authorship.
Not content with stealing my preexisting
Library of Congress unpublished copyrights (as well as
published music and lyrics that were on AishaMusic.com,
which is under construction until the site re-launch with
new music, videos and other items) Madonna and her cronies
in Hollywood began illegally hacking into my aforementioned
email boxes via commissioned criminal misconduct and
publicly using the contents in what can only be described as
pathetic, depraved, debased, lecherous, perverse and
thieving conduct. The FBI began abusing U.S. law issuing
NSLs (National Security Letters) to my email service
providers to send them copies of my emails that contained
"poor man's copyrights" and pending, unpublished articles
for this site, which the agency began to criminally use
without permission in violation of the law. Nowhere in the
U.S. Code or U.S. Constitution does it grant anyone the
right to steal from another person. These are serious
criminal offenses.
For example, I wrote a copyright for a movie
script synopsis that I also sent as a poor man's copyright
with a time stamp of September 11, 2010 at 8:11 PM which
stated "Movies: There is something in the soil, dirt on
planet like mars, life in and under dirt" (see email
screencap below). Shortly after, out of nowhere, NASA
publishes the exact same claim from my science fiction
copyrighted movie synopsis but states it as something from
NASA that they are going to work on in real life. Almost two
years later NASA sends the probe Rover (2011), then
Curiosity (2013) to search for life in and under the soil of
mars. A new Curiosity rover is scheduled to do the same
thing in 2020.

The email that was a text message from my phone to my
email box has been redacted for my privacy to remove my
phone number and a part of my email address. At the top
right hand of the email is my name "Aisha" indicating it is
my email box. The bill for the Miami mobile phone number I
used to send the text to my email box is in my name as well.
There are many more examples of the Obama Administration
illegally taking and using things from my preexisting time
stamped emails and copyrights registered with the Library of
Congress, which I will detail in a forthcoming documentary.
It was one in a series of emails regarding
this topic that was later used by NASA under the Obama
Administration, who announced to Congress that he intended
to switch the space program's focus to Mars (and he did)
which I think is a waste of time and money at this juncture.
It shows you how low the U.S. government has fallen under
the Obama Administration. That's billions of dollars of your
taxpayer money wasted under President Obama insanely
following items in a series of my copyrights for movie
scripts (beginning in 2009) that his administration gained
illegal access to, while there are poor people in America
who could use the money to feed their families and send
their kids to university.
A part of me wants to laugh because they
followed something from an unpublished movie script/synopsis
they saw via the use of FBI's NSLs, but another part of me
is disgusted at the gross waste of taxpayer money that could
be better used elsewhere. There is an online phrase that
adequately describes this. The Obama Administration is
"batsh*t insane." Nothing importantly useful to humanity
will come of Rover and Curiosity circling mars like a dodo
The following article screencaps are from
articles I retrieved and saved from NASA's site as well as
other science sites that were published well after my time
stamped email about Mars and the Obama Administration's new
space program plans that mirror my preexisting copyrighted
movie scripts:

Article screencap from Nasa.gov about 2011's Mars
Rover and 2013's Mars Curiosity

Article screencap from NatureWorldNews.com

Article screencap from ExtremeTech.com
Items from my copyrights were also illegally
passed to Space X (the preexisting design of an unmanned
probe) and Google, who used unpublished items without
permission (which I will publish in comparative detail with
my time stamped work that predates their own, in a
forthcoming documentary on the case, regarding all the
criminal misconduct committed against me that is written
about in this article).
When I checked with one of the sources of
my site exclusives, he
informed me that Mueller began a criminal initiative at the
FBI, illegally passing around my private, unreleased,
unpublished Library of Congress copyrights to different
divisions of the U.S. government, such as NASA and the
Department of Energy, among others, telling them "Here, use
this." Mueller is complete and utter trash with no
integrity, decency, character or respect for other people's
rights and property. He's a damn thief and miscreant.
The FBI also stole one of my preexisting
copyrights, got themselves an agent in Hollywood and turned
it into a show about the FBI, with the help of a man who has
repeatedly stolen from my copyrights throughout the case,
Brian Grazer. After I spoke out, the public boycotted it and
the show was quickly cancelled. The FBI is supposed to be
out catching criminals, but they are in Hollywood trying to
get their proverbial close up.
When I began writing about the FBI's issues
www.SoundOffColumn.com/june_06.htm they were
technologically inept and didn't even have emails. I wrote a
series of articles on my Sound Off Column website regarding
what a modern law enforcement agency should be for the
safety and welfare of America, listing items regarding
putting together a proper agencywide computer system, among
other things. I also expounded on the subject for a private,
unreleased copyright for a television show of what a law
enforcement agency should be. The FBI gained illegal access
to my private copyright via serving my email service
provider, Go Daddy, with a NSL, then used it to do a show in
Hollywood about themselves that flopped under a boycott.
The FBI also illegally used items from my
private, unpublished copyrights for stories on FBI.gov
stating they are important cases they are allegedly working
on but they completely match up to some of my PREEXISTING
fictional copyrighted movie scripts and synopsis. The FBI
criminally devalued valuable copyrighted movie scripts and
synopsis I own to extract more money from Congress, stating
these nameless cases with these scenarios are what they are
working on and need more funding, but quite a few of them
came directly from my fictional, preexisting copyrights.
will include them in comparative detail (time stamps
included to show how the FBI later stole and publicly used
them) in my forthcoming documentary on the case. You're a
bunch of disgraceful thieves and liars. You criminally lied
in Congress to get American taxpayer money (you later stole)
claiming you are working on cases that came directly from my
PREEXISTING, fictional copyrighted movie scripts you stole
and used on FBI.gov as articles.
The whole dishonest charade by the FBI in
Congress, reminds me of the film "Wag The Dog" where the
government turned to filmmakers to create fake conflicts to
fool the American people and get more financial funding from
the legislature (Congress).
Years ago, the FBI was also
caught red-handed by the Department of Justice's Inspector
General telling agents to let the work of serious cases
filed by the American people such as claims of missing
children pile up, so they can go into Congress and demand
billions of dollars more in taxpayer money, much of which
went missing and misappropriated (stolen). There are
mainstream articles that list the FBI and CIA's ties to
Hollywood, which is pretty disturbing. Both the FBI and
CIA are depraved and playing the American people.
The FBI constantly complains on FBI.gov of
China and Russia stealing, yet the FBI and company are
constantly stealing from me, a Jamaican immigrant. How does
the FBI justify the brazen hypocrisy and criminal violation
of U.S. and international law.
Obama Administration Invasion Of Privacy
And Harassment
Throughout Obama's time in office, my privacy has been violated in very sick and depraved ways, which led me to break these stories first: New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims and NSA Admits Employees Illegally Spied On Love Interests And Significant Others Confirming Site’s Previous Claims and Judge Rules The NSA Illegally Spied On Americans Confirming The Site's Previous Claims (Video) and News Report: The IRS Targeted Christians and It Has Been Confirmed The U.S. Government Is Spying On Scientists And Doctors In Violation Of The Constitution, among almost 300 other stories I broke first on this site.
For years my phones have been unlawfully
wiretapped, computers hacked with webcam illegally turned on
to spy on me in my home, mobile phones hacked, depraved
Obama Administration employees (some from the FBI) following
me all over the place and demanding I write glowing things
about egotistical, narcissistic, megalomaniac Obama and vote
for and endorse him on this site (in the 2012 election),
when I do not agree with his policies or behavior.
To this day they are still haranguing me,
trying to get me to write glowing things about Obama, when I
don't like him due to his appalling behavior. They've also
repeatedly been trying to get me to write glowing things
corrupt, horrible Hillary Clinton and endorse her on
this site. It's not gonna happen. I'm not voting for or
endorsing Hillary Clinton.
This harassment has happened in tandem with
deranged, crazy Madonna sending her depraved Kabbalah Center
lunatics they dub "chevre" to confront and harass me and my
family on a regular basis (I have mobile phone photos of
them taken during the stalking, threats and harassment,
among other things). For years they've constantly stalked
and come up to me in public in a threatening manner
demanding to know about the copyrights and patents I'm
working on.
Madonna even got a lawyer to do so in a very
disturbing incident that was a threat. What kind of depraved
person pays a lawyer to threaten an innocent person,
demanding they better give up the rights to copyrights and
patents they are working on or else. That's the kind of
ugly, unmitigated greed pouring out of these lazy, shiftless
losers in Hollywood. They want other people to do all the
hard work while they sit on their lazy, leathery backsides
waiting to steal the products of people's labor.
Madonna claims she is in the Italian
"Illuminati" whose criminal ways she has brought to
Hollywood, making reference to it in interviews and songs.
Additionally, Madonna has indisputable financial ties to the
Italian American mafia via business partners, an
ex-boyfriend (Chris Pacello whom she is in business with), a
relative who went to prison for threatening to kill
actor/producer Steven Seagal for a share of his lucrative
copyrights and the aforementioned private investigator
Anthony Pellicano who is a made member of the Colombo family
(a part of the Italian American mafia). Both the Italian
"Illuminati" and the mafia are thieves that rob hard working
people via coercion, death threats and violence, rather than
finding honest, gainful employment.
Obama Administration Invades My Privacy
And Harasses My Family In The International Community
As stated above, I have not wanted to be in
America for Obama's presidency and left twice (which
resulted in members of the Obama Administration following
and approaching me with distressing speech in the
international community, which constitutes criminal
violations of U.S. and international law. However, the Obama
Administration has been trying to maintain this false,
strange charade that I've been in America throughout his
presidency, when I have not been.
I don't know who the Obama Administration
thinks wants to live under its evil, crazy, perverted human
rights abuses. So many times I felt like I was being held
hostage by the Obama Administration. I was repeatedly hit
with dirty threats from them about leaving America. They
also stole my money via fraudulent foreclosures and mortgage
scams (described below) in bids at trying to bankrupt me, so
I couldn't afford to leave and take my physically unwell mom
(she has Guillain Barre and heart problems caused by the
threats, harassment and assault in this case) and our things
from Miami, Florida (there are expensive shipping fees to
transport my work files, books and discs, as well furniture
and other household furnishings through/across the
For those of you who think Obama doesn't
know what's going on, he has repeatedly plagiarized this
website, stealing items from TIME STAMPED, published
articles, later attributing them to himself in speeches and
interviews. I will release a comparative list with excerpts
regarding the times he has done this, as apart of my
forthcoming documentary on this case.
Not only has the Obama Administration been
invading my privacy and publicly using the contents, as
mentioned above, they've been harassing my family and
friends, who have nothing to do with my work. However, the
Obama Administration and Kabbalah Center has been doing so
to be nasty and abusive in trying to get their way,
regarding the criminal thefts of copyrights and patents.
Several of my family and friends were fired from their jobs
at different, unrelated places in Miami and South Florida,
among other places, after Obama's FBI demanded they engage
in illegal activity against me that they refused to do,
because it is quite depraved.
The FBI wanted them to turn on me and get
very abusive, but they refused to do what was asked, as it
is sick and evil. It is an FBI and CIA technique regarding
"isolating" the victim as a "primer" to aid in getting
something from them (in my case stealing copyrights and
medical patents from me) and then destroying the person.
It entails the FBI or CIA contacting the
family and friends of a person and making the sick abusive
requests, along with threats against them and their children
to cooperate in abusing their loved one in order to assist
the FBI/CIA in their abuse campaign against the person
(published U.S. government records show they did this to
Martin Luther King Jr among others, proving the FBI has not
changed one bit from the time of the Civil Rights era in the
1960s, where blacks were horribly abused by them). What a
disgusting, reprehensible government administration. I
firmly see why the Obama Administration is so hated in the
world (especially the FBI and CIA, two agencies I want
nothing to do with, as they have shown themselves to be
The FBI did this because they were of the
belief it would assist them in stealing my newer, unreleased
copyrights for the illegal benefit of Hollywood and the
government, as I have stopped sending items to the Library
of Congress/Copyright Office to be registered for copyright
(as well as unreleased forthcoming patents for
pharmaceutical drugs I've authored).
I stopped sending items to the Library of
Congress/Copyright Office after one of Madonna's Kabbalah
Center members, who is a songwriter, bragged to me that
Madonna has a contact in the Library of Congress/Copyright
Office that she pays to illegally make copies of other
people's unreleased copyrights and send them to her for
illegal use, before the copyright owner releases it in the
marketplace. I also saw proof of it actually happening.
Madonna is a complete loser and criminal.
Obama Administration Criminally Follows
And Harasses Me In Britain And Illegally Approaches My
British Family

Email screenshot of my ticket receipt for 2012 trip to
London, England from Miami, Florida
I went to London in April 2012 trying to
start a business, after I was blacklisted by Madonna and
company in Miami, when they damaged my entertainment company
Sonustar and later when I tried to lease real estate
space for my store and restaurant (the trip turned into
six-months due to the Kabbalah Center approaching real
estate owners in London over me trying to lease space for my
In Miami, I would visit places (albeit with
members of the Kabbalah Center stalking me) and the retail
space owners would say yes. Then, I'd call them the next day
to arrange payment and to sign the lease, but after being
contacted by Madonna's Kabbalah Center and those aiding in
her criminal behavior, people had mysteriously changed their
minds and began refusing to lease retail space to me.
Madonna's Kabbalah Center began doing the same thing in
London, England, in criminal violation of the law, which
damaged my business interests. I also got very sick on that
trip due to stress from Madonna's Kabbalah Center cult's
sick, criminal behavior.
It was revealed in the Anthony Pellicano
case, they did such things via stalking and illegal
wiretaps, then threatening business owners not to do
business with the person the Hollywood celebrity is
targeting. One of Anthony Pellicano's other clients, Rupert
Murdoch, who has infringed some of my movie copyrights at
the 20th Century Fox film studio (as well as stealing
published articles from this site and using them in the Wall
Street Journal and in The Sun UK newspapers he owns), also
does the same things to rivals he tries to financially
destroy to steal their assets such as copyrights, trademarks
and patents (Senator
Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival &
Stealing Their Copyrights).
Obama Administration Showed Up At My
Aunt's House While I Was Out in Central London And Began
Harassing Her
The Obama Administration showed up at my
aunt's house in London and began harassing her. My aunt is a
retired school teacher in her 80s, who is suffering from
Parkinsons. My aunt was a government chemist in
Jamaica, who tested pharmaceutical drugs to ensure product
safety regarding pharmaceuticals shipped to the island for
sale by foreign drug companies.
She then immigrated to London, England and
began teaching at a British school. After 30-years of
teaching thousands of British children at the same school,
many of whom came up to us in public when I took her out, to
ask how she is doing and tell her about their lives and
children, she now spends her time at home due to the
progression of Parkinsons. However, that didn't stop the
Obama Administration from targeting my elderly aunt sick who
has debilitating Parkinsons, due to the government's vile
campaign to steal copyrights and patents (and to terrorize
me into coming back to America to help them save face).
My aunt was very shaken and distressed by
the whole thing. I could see it on her face as she told me
about it. They are a damn menace to society and utter trash
targeting a sick old lady. They are the definition of human
garbage. I'd like the Obama Administration to tell me, where
does it state the United States of Britain on the world map.
And even if that incident had occurred in America and not
Britain, it would still be a federal crime of the highest
order under U.S. law, as the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code
makes no allowances for harassing and threatening innocent
elderly sick people, whose relative you are illegally
targeting over copyrights and patents you are trying to
No warrant, no nothing, just turned up on my
aunt’s doorstep in London, England like deranged criminals
behaving like imperialist, arrogant, nasty, mean-spirited
psychopaths, in conduct orchestrated by FBI Director Robert
S. Mueller at the FBI, with clearance from then U.S.
Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, at the State
Department, who is responsible for international matters as
it relates to other countries. They also hacked into the
computer connection at my aunt's house in London, England,
from America, which is an international crime.
They had no legal authority to be there or
in Britain with this deranged, illegal behavior, in trying
to intimidate and terrify a sick old lady, whose niece they
are obsessively stealing intellectual property from.
must feel like such big men bullying and terrifying a sick
old lady. Once again, they are human garbage and I denounce
them. They are a bunch of depraved cowards and bullies, who
were clearly raised by animals and savages to do such an
evil thing to a sick old lady. They are an
embarrassment and disgrace to the U.S. government. They are
not worthy of the office. The American people did not elect
Obama and his administration to do such evil and deplorable
In a separate incident while I was in
London, my elderly mother, who walks with a cane, was
attacked in Miami, Florida in a Chase Bank by a member of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center cult, who had stalked her there (read
more about it here).
Obama Administration Harasses Me In
London Computer Cafe
In the summer of 2012 while I was out and
about on business, I stopped in a South Kensington computer
cafe to check on this website (Judiciary Report), as well as
the results of the London Olympics track and field races for
the day. A woman from the U.S. government, who spoke with an
American accent sat next to me as I typed on this site in
the full London computer cafe and began harassing me,
repeatedly demanding to know "When are you coming back to
America!" She kept stating it and people began staring.
She also aggressively began demanding I vote
for Obama in the 2012 presidential election and endorse him
on this website I was typing on. Her behavior, like that of
the Obama Administration, is crazy. I stopped answering her
after a few seconds, annoyed with the foolishness, stalking
and harassment. Who do they think they are stalking,
confronting and ordering people who have freewill to vote
for who they state. That's not a democracy. She acted like
she was there to retrieve a runaway slave that was the
property of the United States government like in slavery
I speak to and joke with Americans in the
international community who come up to me. However, if it is
someone from the Obama Administration I have nothing to say,
as that is aggravated stalking and harassment from an
unhinged government administration breaking the law.

Email screenshot of my ticket receipt for 2015 airline ticket to London, England from Miami, Florida
Obama Administration Harasses Me In
London Park
On December 21, 2015, I had a peaceful and
pleasant night walking and shopping on Oxford Street in
London. Then, I walked down adjoining Park Lane, looking at
the stars and all the pretty Christmas lights and well
decorated Christmas trees a number of hotels and restaurants
had placed in front of their properties. I was having a
nice, peaceful night enjoying the beauty of London. No one
was harassing me (the British people have always been kind
to me and I love them for that) and I wasn't bothering
Then, I went to a fair in the park. Out of
nowhere, a man dressed as a security guard with a big dog
starts following me into the fair. He wasn't wearing the
same security guard uniform as the other guards in the park,
who were all German or English (it was a German fair that
had traveled to London). Of all the people in the park, this
guard followed and approached me. I wondered why he wasn't
dressed like the other guards, why he had a massive dog, why
he spoke with an American accent and why he followed me in
particular. When he started speaking I realized he was from
the U.S. government. This prompted me to ignore what he said
and I walked off to another part of the fair away from him.
Another waste and abuse of U.S. taxpayer money.
Kabbalah Center Cult Members From Miami
Approach Me In London's Hampstead And Highgate
A week after my birthday, after not having
to deal with idiotic Madonna's madness for months, on
November 14, 2015, three members of Madonna's Miami Kabbalah
Center approached me at two places I frequent in Hampstead
and Highgate (London) in two incidents about an hour a part
and began harassing me (every year in America since the case
began Madonna's Kabbalah Center has harassed me in public on
my birthday on her behalf, which psychologists attribute to
mentally deranged stalkers targeting people on special days
in their lives, but in 2015 they were unable to do so in
London, because I celebrated with my Aunt at her house,
where she'd ordered Chinese food and bought a birthday cake
for me).
Read about the harassment that ensued a week after my birthday, because clearly their year is not complete unless they do some evil crap like this: Madonna And Kabbalah Center’s Stalking, Copyright Theft And Harassment Illegally Extends From Miami To London In Criminal Violation Of U.S. And International Law.
Obama In London's West Hampstead

Photos of the U.S. Rugby bus in West Hampstead (London)
Over the years I have spent quite a bit of
time in Hampstead and Highgate. They are two of my favorite
places in England. Hampstead and Highgate are not central
London with all the major attractions tourists and Britons
alike love, but I love spending time there. They are two
quiet, leafy historic old villages.

Tweet from
my Twitter page
dated January 2016 about West Hampstead. Obama went to West
Hampstead three months later.
On October 3, 2015 I was having dinner at a
table outside/in front of a restaurant in West Hampstead.
Shortly after I ordered my food, then started eating, the
U.S. Rugby team bus pulled up. A few of the occupants got
out for food. I started taking a few pictures of the bus for
posterity. However, when I started to take pictures of the
bus, the driver looked at me with this shocked expression on
his face and sped off. I thought that was weird, as he was
sitting there for several minutes, but didn't speed off
until he saw me take the photos (LOL).

People in West Hampstead posting about Obama visiting
the area in April 2016 and wondering why, as it's not a
tourist spot and it's not near the U.S. embassy
I've even posted about West Hampstead a few
times on my Twitter page. Shortly after one occasion of
doing so, President Obama's motorcade caused a commotion
going through West Hampstead. Once again, it's not the
tourist part of London and far from the U.S. embassy. People
began tweeting about Obama being in West Hampstead and
wondered why he chose to visit, as it is not central London
where dignitaries usually go.

A screencap from the Miami WPLG news channel website http://www.local10.com
Side Note: There is a medical center
in Miami that I went to once called the Jessie Trice
Community Health Center. On second occasion I called them
about another appointment. Months later in 2014 Mrs. Obama
went to the Jessie Trice Community Health Center and gave a
speech to pitch ObamaCare. I was surprised she went there,
as it is not the main medical facility members of government
usually visit. Prior to Michelle Obama's visit, I'd written
articles against ObamaCare on this site for a couple years.
The Obama Administration even had someone harass me over the
Judiciary Report articles on ObamaCare (Experts
State Obamacare Website Hacked Just As This Site Previously
Stated). So much for democracy and free
speech under the Obama Administration (sarcasm).
On another occasion, two lyrics from a 2002
copyrighted song I wrote that was on AishaMusic.com for
years (until recently, as I am revamping the site with new
music), ended up in one of
Michelle Obama's later speeches as first lady,
verbatim years later, which constitutes plagiarism,
something Mrs. Obama had done before regarding the words of
Saul Alinksy. It's a song I wrote for people with
HIV and AIDs called "Why Did This Happen To Me" written
based on how I imagined a disease sufferer's perspective
would be. I do not have HIV or AIDS. However, I have written
forthcoming pharmaceutical patents regarding HIV and AIDS
that the Obama Administration keeps harassing me over.
Obama Administration Follows And Harasses
Me In My Homeland Of Jamaica Via Hacking And Drone

A snapshot of the email receipt/confirmation of my airline ticket from Miami, Florida to Jamaica in October 2012
In September 2012 I made plans to return to
my homeland of Jamaica. In October 2012 I went to Jamaica
trying to get away from the depraved behavior of the Obama
Administration and Hollywood. And they illegally followed me
out there. When the plane landed in Kingston, Jamaica, the
U.S. military was on the tarmac waving at the plane, which I
didn't think much of at the time. They had just flown to
Jamaica for a joint military exercise with the Jamaican
government. I'm not against world government having joint

Snapshot of article regarding the Obama Administration flying out to Jamaica to do joint military exercises with the Jamaican government
However, the first morning I was there in my
dad's quiet, middle class, residential neighborhood, I woke
up to the sound of a U.S. military plane, that had deviated
from its course, flying low and loud over my family's
home...repeatedly. I asked when this started and was told
that very first morning I was there (in all the times I'd
stayed at my dad's house that never happened before so it
stood out). It happened two more days in a row. I was
feeling ill with terrible headaches and the nausea that
accompanies it, due to the stress related harassment from
Hollywood and the Obama Administration. So, I was trying to
rest and the loud U.S. military plane kept waking me up
three days in a row, repeatedly flying over the house like a
dodo bird.
Those types of planes are fitted with spy
drones to illegally sweep up computer and telephone data
(and sometimes other types of drones,
just ask crazy, drone loving Hillary Clinton who was
Secretary of State under Obama at the time, who has a
penchant for illegally sending drones over people's
countries). The U.S. military plane was flying low and loud.
It caused the television in the living room and computers to
shake in the house, making a strange vibrating noise like
something was targeting the electronics.
Then, my dad had to call a computer
technician, because his computer was hacked to the point of
inoperability...as was my laptop. My dad's phone was also
illegally wiretapped. The phone started making annoying
squealing and clicking noises and sounds of static, all
associated with wiretapping, making the phone difficult to
use (all things that had begun happening to my phones in
Miami when the case started).
My dad has been active in Jamaican politics
for decades. He even went to the United Nations with former
Jamaican Prime Minister, Michael Manley, who did great
things to help the poor in Jamaica. When I was a child my
dad, who would baby-sit me after school because he is a
radio personality who worked in the evening and at nights,
while my mom worked at the Jamaican Power Service (JPS), would
sometimes take me to political meetings with him. I'd
quietly sit in the corner while the meetings on how to
improve Jamaica and help the nation's poor, were conducted.
During one of the meetings, Prime Minister, Michael Manley,
my dad's friend, walked into the room and said hello to
everyone and asked how everyone was doing. He was a nice,
charismatic man.
My dad always instilled in me that I should
help the poor and the sick. He has devoted his life to it in
Jamaica. For 25-years my dad was even chairman of a Jamaican
high school in a low income district. He did the job for
free. He did his best to make sure students graduated. He
even went to the homes of troubled students or those who had
fallen behind in their lessons. He would talk to their
parents about how to best help them graduate. Others who
were not headed to university, my dad would steer into trade
schools to become mechanics, repairmen and plumbers, among
other trades, so they could earn decent incomes and support
their families. He even signed all the graduating students
diplomas. There were days near graduation time, where I
would watch as my dad meticulously signed by hand over 500
diplomas in his finest penmanship.
Yet this is whose house the Obama
Administration, on the orders of FBI Director Robert S.
Mueller and Hillary Clinton, kept doing invasive,
disruptive, loud flyovers, as well as computer hacks and
wiretapping. It can only be described as imperialistic,
disgusting and disgraceful. The Obama Administration was
well out of line to do such a thing. It was also quite
deceitful, as that's not why they were supposed to be in
My dad is one of Jamaica’s most famous
citizens. He has served Jamaica in many charitable endeavors
for decades. He is known on the island for being a tireless
charity worker. He is semi-retired and trying to rest and
live a peaceful life in our homeland, where he has lived all
his life, but because an imperialist administration is
obsessed with spying on an innocent person to steal
intellectual property and science patents, to help their
lazy, degenerate cronies in Hollywood and the business
sector, an innocent elderly man’s life was disturbed and
disrupted. What kind of people do something like that. It is
evil and wicked.
The aforementioned misconduct on the Obama
Administration's part is a grotesque waste of the American
people's tax dollars, for illegal maneuvers they did in
Jamaica, conducted by the Obama Administration's State
Department, headed up by corrupt Hillary Clinton, the woman
whose dirty private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, I gave
the FBI documents and testimony against 7-years prior,
landing him in prison (where he currently sits). By the way,
Hillary Clinton is a pro at making U.S. taxpayer money
criminally disappear. The U.S. Inspector General reported
$6 billion dollars disappeared from the U.S. State
Department while Hillary Clinton was in charge of
it. Just like $6 billion dollars in donation money
disappeared from funds people and companies all over the
world donated to the Haiti earthquake relief fund that
the Clinton Foundation brazenly stole.
What kind of horrible way is that for the
Obama Administration to represent the U.S. government in the
world? The American people did not elect them to do such
things or waste American taxpayer dollars in this manner.
The Obama Administration has absolutely no excuse for their
appalling behavior. The Obama Administration is so far gone
and crazy at this point it is alarming. No boundaries or
decency. They do whatever evil and depravity comes to their
minds. They spit on other nations’ sovereignty and solitude
to terrorize and rob innocent people. People are not
bothering you and you are going into foreign countries
violating the law terrorizing, harassing and abusing
innocent people, while trying to destroy people's families
and relationships. What kind of mean spirited, evil, hateful
people are you.
Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan
Greenspan, recently called the Obama Administration “the
crazies” and it is with good reason, because they
are. Politician and former U.S. diplomat Alan Keyes called
Obama "abusive" and "an abomination" and he is correct.
Politician/doctor/inventor Dr. Ben Carson called Obama "a
psychopath" and he too is correct. Michelle Obama and
Hillary Clinton talk about taking the high road stating
"when they go low, you go high" but they and their husbands
live on the low road. This case among others is proof of
Side Bar: when I had moved into a
house we bought in quiet, middle class, residential
neighborhood in 1998 called Miami shores, there wasn't
helicopter activity. However, when the case started years
later, a government helicopter was flying low and loud over
our house and block on a weekly basis. It was highly
Much like one morning I went for a walk
along Miami Beach, which is far from Miami Shores. There
were a couple dozen people along the beach. A government
helicopter starts following me along the beach (never mind
the helicopter didn't follow anyone else on the beach). I
stopped and started staring up at it, which caused the
helicopter to slow down and start circling over me like a
dodo bird. When I pulled out my phone to take a picture of
it, the helicopter quickly flew away.
There was also an incident with a federal
agent in a white SUV sitting on our block day after day in
my former Miami Shores neighborhood, which ticked off all my
neighbors, who called the cops. The police showed up and
approached the white SUV. A man stepped out and flashed a
federal agent badge, causing the police to stand down. My
neighbors were not amused.
There was also an incident with a limo
insanely circling our block over and over again, then
parking in my driveway for a long time. My neighbors started
calling asking what was going on, as it is a quiet
residential street. However, a nutty celebrity was sitting
in the limo engaging in stalking.
Victimized By Fraudulent Foreclosures And
Mortgage Scam
My first house in Miami shores my dad gave
me the down payment to buy when I was 22, was unlawfully put
into foreclosure by Washington Mutual using the law firm
they hired called the Law Firm of Marshall Watson, who later
got into trouble with the government's State Attorney for
illegally putting homes into foreclosure that were not
supposed to be foreclosed on, via robo-signings through
Miami judges like Jon Gordon.
I ended up having to hire a lawyer, Timothy
Kingcade, who for very questionable reasons gave me bad,
financially costly advice the Florida Bar later censured him
for in writing. Not knowing better at the time, I did what
he said. I went to him to get my house out of foreclosure.
However, he pulled a scam on me after Madonna's Kabbalah
Center contacted him. They wanted my house gone, because it
was worth $500,000, due to me having renovated and the house
values having dramatically gone up fairly quickly after I
bought it. They feared I could liquidate/sell the house and
hire a lawyer to defend my copyrights from Madonna and
company's brazen thefts (lawyers were quoting me $250,000 at
the time).
They had Kingcade tell me he was working on
the case, but he kept stretching it out wanting it to
destroy the equity in my home on their orders (the bank kept
returning the payments I sent). He tied up the house in
litigation, then emails me stating come into his office for
a visit. He tells me I have to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy to
save the house. I didn't want to do so, but he tells me it
is the only way, charging me nearly $1,000 to do so.
Then shortly after, he comes back to me
again for more money stating I have to file Chapter 13
bankruptcy because "the bank obtained a sale date" to
auction off my house. I was confused and angry, because he
stated he was saving the house. He told me I had no choice.
So I paid him to file Chapter 13, which doubled my mortgage
When I look at the statement, the bank had
added massive fees and taken out over $215,000 in equity
from my home, adding it to my $135,000 mortgage. Then the
Village of Miami Shores, represented by Richard Sarafan of
the crooked law firm Genovese Joblove and Battista stole
$31,000 out of the house claiming the roof was painted the
wrong color - stating it should have been painted white, not
terracotta. It was one of the craziest, most corrupt and
fraudulent things I'd ever heard in my life. The whole thing
was a criminal scam from start to finish to steal the cash
equity out of my house, out of fear it would be used to
protect my copyrights in court.
The second lawyer I hired to try to save my
home started engaging in corrupt behavior after I paid her
nearly $1,000. Anna Hernandez Yanks, was contacted by the
Kabbalah Center as well, then began running amok after she
had begun filing the correct forms in the case. Out of
nowhere, she failed to show up for a crucial hearing and
didn't file the proper paperwork, which could have cost me
my house. The Florida Bar censured her as well for her
I had to quickly sell the house to get out
the remaining equity, because the bank was trying to steal
the remaining cash in the house as well. So much for "the
American Dream" which at this point I seriously question.
"The American dream" is a lie. Madonna, her depraved cult
and those in government aiding and abetting their crimes
proved it.
Fed up with the whole thing and being robbed
and exploited left right and center, I went online on this
site and called for a boycott of Washington Mutual and it
collapsed within 2-years (Washington
Mutual Collapses Seized By Government). The
judge in the foreclosure case, Jon Gordon, who did the
"robo-signing" foreclosure, later emailed at this site
trying to state he is a good judge, after I slammed him in
this article:
Judge Jon Gordon.
However, many cases, such as ruling against a sick child,
shows he is not.
Madonna's Hacker Randy Vaughn Hacks Bank
Placing Sick Newscaster's Home Into Foreclosure When I
Leased It

Screencap of local Miami news site announcing Kelley Mitchell's death in 2015
I leased another home in Miami Shores, after
selling my house. After I signed the lease contract and was
writing the check for $6,000, I asked who to make it out to
and the realtor said Kelley Mitchell. She was a local news
anchor woman on WSVN Channel 7 in Miami. She initiated
litigation against WSVN after she was fired when she
developed breast cancer. Her appearance changed due to being
ill in the 1990s. It was wrong of them to fire her for that.
The matter was settled.
Mitchell moved out of her home and bought
another bigger property in the area. I leased her former
home. Within 5-weeks of me moving in and expressing an
interest to buy the home from Mitchell, her mortgage account
was hacked and placed into foreclosure. I was served
foreclosure papers on Mitchell's house, by a rude process
server, who insulted my hair, in an incident that was
racially based.
I called Mitchell about the foreclosure, who
then called her lawyer. Mitchell's lawyer discovered some
computer issue led to over $12,000 of payments being
stripped away from her mortgage account and applied to
another mortgage account...in
an act of computer hacking by Madonna's hacker Randy Vaughn.
Mitchell brought me all the paperwork from her lawyer
showing the cancelled checks the bank was sent, as well as a
letter from them acknowledging something strange occurred
that removed $12,000 of her payments and placed them on
another mortgage, unlawfully sending her home into
Through hacking, they fraudulently put a
breast cancer sufferer's house into foreclosure to harass
me, hoping it would lead to an eviction while I was there.
The Kabbalah Center are nasty, despicable, demonic, hateful
people. Mitchell succumb to cancer last year.
Madonna's Kabbalah Center Criminally
Interferes With First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation Loan
My mother and I applied for a mortgage with
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation in 2014 and were
approved. We chose a house in Miami, placed a down payment
and began the mortgage process. Madonna's Kabbalah Center
began making threats of derailing the mortgage...and they
criminally did through fraud. A known member of the Miami
Kabbalah Center being loitering outside the property and
smirking at me when we went there for appointments, such as
mortgage inspections and to meet with contractors as First
Guaranty Mortgage Corporation instructed.
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation and
their appraiser Coester VMS scammed us out of thousands of
dollars and 1 DAY before closing, derailed the loan in a
discriminatory manner. They derailed the house purchase by
undervaluing it by $20,000. We qualified for more than the
loan, but First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation strangely
argued that Coester VMS appraisal is way less than the
seller, Chase Bank and significantly less than the state's
MLS value. The whole thing was a scam to waste and rob us of
our money and cost us the home. The house was a foreclosed
property with equity in it. With renovations using our money
and extra from the bank, it would easily be worth $100,000
more than we agreed to purchase it for.
My realtor had just given birth to a baby
(that she carried to the house for appointments) and she
lost thousands of dollars in commission after 4-months of
massive paperwork and trips to the property, when First
Guaranty Mortgage Corporation stretched the whole process
out and called it off THE DAY BEFORE CLOSING (signing and
taking the keys to the property purchased). It was done to
be nasty and ugly. And they stretched it out from September
to Christmas. They fraudulently cancelled the loan days
before Christmas to be nasty and evil, after having approved
it in writing months prior.
My realtor was suspicious of First Guaranty
Mortgage Corporation after a while and began asking for an
appraisal of the home to be done immediately. She told me to
ask them to order the appraisal in October, but First
Guaranty Mortgage Corporation refused, opting to stretch out
the process for months, causing us to spend thousands of
dollars more in what could have been avoided.

Here is the email of First Guaranty Mortgage
Corporation senior loan officer Matthew Martin refusing to
order the appraisal that I later paid $500 for at Christmas
time, 1 day before they derailed the home loan through fraud
in tandem with Coester VMS
Madonna's Kabbalah Center got upset that I
was acquiring the valuable house and criminally tampered
with the mortgage loan process, just like they tampered with
the mortgage on my first home via hacking and then Kelley
Mitchell's loan via hacking at the property I leased from
her. The American banking system has become quite corrupted
that a sick cult can do such criminal things three times in
a row to three different properties, via hacking.
I threatened to sue over the matter and
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation sent me a strange letter
recalling the loan declination letter on that particular
house, but the house contract was already cancelled by the
seller, Chase Bank, after waiting 4 long months for First
Guaranty Mortgage and Coester VMS to complete the loan they
questionably botched:

First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation executive Kelly
Kuber emailing me to rescind the declination letter on the
house, but it was too late, as the seller Chase Bank,
cancelled the contract due to First Guaranty Mortgage
Corporation stretching out the loan process for 4-months
then coming in with a criminally low appraisal via Coester
VMS to derail the loan deal. This occurred due to Madonna's
criminal interference.
I sued regarding the matter. They ignored
the lawsuit and I obtained a default judgment of over
$75,000. First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation retained
questionable attorney Jane Muir of Gersten & Muir to try to
get the default judgment reversed. Most say it is a long
shot, as courts usually don't reverse default judgments
under these circumstances. However, due to questionable
behavior in tandem with Judge Eric Hendon, the default
judgment was reversed.

Miami lawyer Jane Muir of Gersten & Muir
Then, Muir corruptly got Judge Eric Hendon
to throw out the case stating he told me to consult a lawyer
and defamed me in court stating I did not. However, I
emailed a copy of the lawsuit to my dad, who sent it to an
accomplished attorney, who advised me on what to do. There
was nothing wrong with the lawsuit I filed when Judge Eric
Hendon corruptly threw it out. I sued under the correct
laws. His only excuse for throwing it out is he told me to
consult with an attorney and I did not, which was a complete
and utter defamatory lie on his part. I have proof.
Congress gives litigants the right to appear
pro se (without a lawyer), as section 1654 of title 28 of
the United States Code: "In all courts of the United States
the parties may plead and conduct their own cases personally
or by counsel as, by the rules of such courts, respectively,
are permitted to manage and conduct causes therein."
Therefore, Judge Eric Hendon criminally violated my rights
and defamed me in a packed courtroom, stating I did not
consult with an attorney as he had ordered me to, when I
have email proof and witnesses proving I did. What an
egregious and criminal abuse of his post as judge.

Miami judge Eric Hendon
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation also got
Muir to threaten me over these articles they want removed
from the internet as they expose their criminal behavior:
Discriminatory First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation's Partner
Coester VMS Real Estate Appraisers Sues Virginia Board For
Well Deserved License Declination (Ban) and
Select Mortgage Companies In America Such As First Guaranty
Mortgage Corporation Are Asking Consumers Their Race In Loan
Applications Then Using It To Discriminate In Denying Loans
Boycott First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation And Coester VMS
Who Are Scammers And Con Artists Engaging In Discrimination
While Ripping Off People Seeking Mortgages.
It's not a good idea threatening me. I'll start new sites
geared at your corruption that are a thousand times more
incendiary than the Judiciary Report.
From the start, they were trying to bankrupt
me on Madonna's behalf, after her Kabbalah Center criminally
got involved and derailed the loan 1 DAY BEFORE CLOSING.
Remember to boycott First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation and
Coester VMS, as it is dangerous doing business with such
unprofessional, corrupt people. For your own sakes, boycott
Jane Muir and Gersten & Muir as well, as law firms like that
will get clients into serious trouble and bring public
disgrace on them.
This case regarding First Guaranty Mortgage
Corporation and Coester VMS will be heavily featured in my
December 2016 documentary "American Justice System
Corruption" (it will feature many cases, both criminal and
civil, immortalizing them and permanently remain online for
free viewing in the public domain). Jane Muir and Judge
Hendon are up to something very questionable and sinister
this week, which I will include in the case, as under U.S.
law and international law, it constitutes fraud and several
felonies that I am squarely of the belief will land them
under federal indictment at a future date.
I will include in the documentary, all items
from this case, including documents and quotes from the
judge and lawyers on the case. It will give the global
public and lawyers and judges around the world a chance to
look at the case, what was said and done and the terrible
corruption that transpired. The public will also be able to
decide for themselves. That documentary is brutal, but the
public needs to see the kind of corruption taking place in
the U.S. justice system, negatively impacting many people.
HIPAA Violations
I went to a doctor (general practitioner) in
Miami and she was nice at first. She instructed me to return
to her office for the standard medical follow up interview.
When I went back two weeks later as she instructed, this
formerly nice doctor, was wearing a Kabbalah Center red
string bracelet on her arm she kept fiddling with and rudely
demanding to inject me with a drug she refused to name,
regarding back pain I was having.
I politely asked her if it was cortisone and
she said no, but kept refusing to tell me what was in the
syringe she repeatedly demanded to inject me with. She got
rude and started repeatedly hissing her teeth at me, because
I politely would not let her inject me with the substance
she refused to name. I have allergies and I have to be
careful. It is in my medical files (I even had an awful
reaction to the medicine Topamax and developed potentially
deadly metabolic acidosis from using it for two days under
my doctor's orders). Yet here was this doctor, who had just
joined the Kabbalah Center getting mad at me in an
unprovoked incident and in the most unprofessional manner,
for not letting her inject me with a drug she refused to
During a visit to a dermatologist in Miami
in early 2015, the doctor went on for 15 minutes about the
FBI. I couldn't believe it. I went there about my allergies
affecting my skin (I have a genetic sensitivity to sunlight
problem that can trigger an allergic reaction if I am not
careful when outdoors).
I'm sitting there on the examining
table, my back giving me grief in pain, while the
dermatologist goes on about the FBI for 15 minutes straight
in what sounded like a rehearsed speech. He was told to
recite this long 15 minute speech about the FBI to me. It
was bizarre. Once again, I couldn't believe it. Then, he
spent 1 minute on my skin allergy issue and what he
prescribed irritated it.
These two doctors will remain nameless at
this time, but I will name them at a future date. The FBI
and the Kabbalah Center they are aiding and abetting in
committing human rights abuses, are disgraceful. How has
America reached this point that these incidents transpired
in relation to someone's healthcare. How do you justify
interfering in someone's healthcare. A person's medical care
is private and sacred. Things like these don't even happen
in third world countries. How many lows are you going to
drag America to with this disgraceful behavior.
Madonna Illegally Steals Copyrighted
Dress Design And Sells It To Dressmaker Of Her Ex-Husband's
"Cousin" Kate Middleton In Violation Of The Law

CNN article about Kate Middleton and Madonna (http://www.cnn.com)
Madonna has been going around for years
publicly claiming she is related to Kate Middleton, the
woman who married Britain's Prince William in 2011. Madonna
floated items to the press stating Middleton is her
ex-husband Guy Ritchie's cousin (many times removed LOL).
Madonna has known Middleton for over a decade. Ritchie went
to Middleton's wedding.

Article about lawsuit over Kate Middleton wedding
dress (http://fashionista.com)
In October 2008, I successfully copyrighted
many items with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.
Among the items I copyrighted was the design for a beautiful
dress, among many others, a part of a fashion line I
designed. THREE YEARS LATER in April 2011, Kate Middleton
mysteriously wore that dress at her wedding reception.
Madonna is the source of that act of criminal copyright
infringement. How are you going to sell someone something
you don’t own. Talk about a criminal. What kind of insane
mafia/illuminati crap is that. Only trash behaves like that.

Kate Middleton (pictured left) wearing the copyright
infringing dress. The only difference between the dress
Middleton is wearing to the one I copyrighted years prior is
the beaded belt.
I am not the only one complaining about
Middleton's clothes for the wedding. A lawsuit was filed
this year over Middleton's actual wedding dress infringing a
PREEXISTING wedding dress design. Therefore, both the
wedding dress and the reception dress were stolen. Alexander
McQueen designer Sarah Burton improperly and illegally
received credit for both dresses. McQueen committed suicide
in 2010, one year before the wedding. However the dresses
were ordered well prior to the wedding.
Harassed At Buckingham Palace

My ticket/receipt to Buckingham Palace tourist tour.
My name is listed above on the receipt.
As mentioned above in this article, I
visited London, England in September 2005 for a few days and
during that visit I was stalked and harassed by members of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center. Based on what is written online,
Madonna was living in London, England and Miami, Florida at
the time.
The Kabbalah Center had people following and
harassing me the whole trip. They expressed that they were
angry I was recording music in Miami and filming items. They
became fixated on my camera, as it can be used to shoot
music videos and movies. After a day of filming items on and
off buses, Madonna rushed out a press release stating she
would be filming items in London going on and off buses
(which is what I had done days prior). I also filmed an item
at a London tube station. Months later Madonna did the same
thing in London.
During the September 2005 trip, I bought a
ticket to go on a public tour of Buckingham Palace with
other tourists. I took photographs and videos of the front
exterior of the Palace, as did other tourists. Then, I went
into the palace with other tourists to take the tour. At the
door, they search and take all the tourists' bags (they
searched my bag and saw the camera and expressed no issue
with it). No one had a problem with that, including me. I
gave them my bag and received a ticket from the attendant to
retrieve it at the end of the tour (as did all the visitors
taking the tour).
It makes sense that they held everyone’s
bags in such a historic place, for security reasons and to
prevent theft. I had no problem with that at all. After the
tour, all the tourists presented their tickets and retrieved
their bags. We asked if we could take photos and videos and
the Palace attendants handing us our bags said yes.
I started taking photos and videos of the
back of the Palace, then a few minutes later a problem
occurred. A woman and a man who worked as attendants on the
tour told me I could not film (this was after I had been
filming for several minutes). They took issue with the
camera (a $1,100 Panasonic digital video camera). They
stated it can't be for commercial purposes. I politely
replied, I won't use what I have filmed for commercial
purposes, I'll just view it at home.
I also informed them two other Palace
attendants told me I could film. One attendant in the front
who searched my bag and gave me a ticket for it (as he did
with other tourists), saw the camera in the bag and told me
I could film the front and the back of the Palace. At the
end of the tour when I presented my ticket to get my bag
back, a second attendant I asked if I can film the back of
the Palace now stated "yes."
Therefore, I did not do anything I was told
I was not permitted to do. However, these two other
attendants in the back completely contradicted everything
the two other attendants had told me at the beginning and
end of the tour. However, I politely assured them that the
items I had been filming I would not publicly use (to this
day none of the footage has been used for anything).
They walked away and I began closing up,
turning off and putting away the camera. Then a third
attendant approached me with them in tow. She spoke with an
American accent. Her nametag on her jacket stated her name
is "Mary Money." This woman "Mary Money" was extremely rude,
ill mannered, arrogant and foul. Unprovoked, she came up to
me screaming like a madwoman over my camera. While this
repugnant woman is about 2 inches from my face, spit from
her mouth is hitting me in the face. It was one of the most
disgusting things I had ever experience. I was in shock and
not really answering, as I am not used to rude, loud mouth,
ill manner cretins. After all, I was raised properly.
She kept screaming like a lunatic "THIS IS
THE HOME OF THE MONARCH!" Then the belligerent bully started
unzipping my bag and reaching around in it trying to grab
the brand new $1,100 camera. It is universally unlawful for
a person to enter the property of another without consent.
That screaming crazy woman just grabbed my bag, unzipped it
and began rifling through it trying to yank the camera out
of the bag, that cost more than her wages.
She also gave me the most demonic smirk and
screamed at me that I better not film by Downing Street,
another tourist spot that is a tourist attraction, which is
ironic as I had told someone I was going to see Downing
Street the next day. Downing Street is barricaded off, but
people take photos and videos from the adjoining street.
Still in shock, I really was not responding
to this vile brute of a woman "Mary Money." I physically
backed away from "Mary Money" who had rudely violated my
personal space and was spitting in my face as she screamed
like a lunatic. I began walking off the premises. I really
thought that madwoman was going to hit me and I'm not into
violence. I've never started a fight in my life. It's quite
ironic that something so ill-mannered and offensive happened
at a place that is supposed to be the epitome of class,
gentility, grace and good breeding.
"Mary Money" behaved like an outright
hooligan and thug. I’m not used to that kind of behavior. I
wasn’t raised like that. It’s ironic, a part of my family
line goes back thousands of years in British history (among
other places) yet I was being harassed and terrorized on
English grounds, by a woman whose ancestry isn’t even
British, at a Palace owned, paid for and financially
maintained by the British taxpayers.

In writing this article, I did a search
online of the name "Mary Money" looking for a photo.
However, the only thing that came up regarding "Mary Money"
is a Buckingham Palace employee directory which lists her as
a "senior warden." I've highlighted the wretch's name in red
for the screencap posted above.
Madonna also illegally spread my copyrights
to the BBC in London, via Kabbalah Center cult members,
Russell Davies and Steven Moffat. The BBCs DVDs are
distributed by Warner Bros in New York, who are the film and
music company Madonna has been signed to for years.
The BBC is a government trust paid for by
the British taxpayers, who are being ripped off by Davies
and Moffat, as the two men and others working with them are
collecting big paychecks from taxpayer money, while
criminally using stolen, preexisting copyrights for
television shows on the network.
Both my dad and aunt were
interviewed by the BBC. My dad was interviewed about music.
My aunt, Lorna Goodison, was interviewed about her award winning book. These
interviews were conducted prior to Madonna's thefts of
copyright and spreading said copyrights she stole to the
Madonna’s Rabbi Yehuda Berg Sued For Sexual Assault And Threatening
To Beat And Kill Student At The Kabbalah Center For Not Having Sex
With Him