Lindsay Lohan, has been having sex with millionaire Egor Tarabasov to live a luxury lifestyle, when tragedy struck
Illuminati/Kabbalah cult member, Lindsay Lohan,
posted an image of a bandaged finger online after a boating
accident. Lohan was trying to anchor a boat in Turkey, when
things went wrong. The rope attached to the anchor sliced
off a third of Lohan's ring finger and dragged her into the
water. Her friends found her severed finger on the boat.
Lohan was rushed to the hospital and her finger was
surgically reattached.

Lindsay Lohan's severed finger before surgery
The drug addicted, alcoholic, fallen star
described the whole incident as painful. So hard up for cash
is she, Lohan sold TMZ gruesome pics of her severe finger
from her hospital bed. The proceeds from the sale of the
photos, will be used to buy cocaine and alcohol, to help
send her to an early grave.

Lindsay Lohan's severed finger before surgery
Lohan and fiancé Egor Tarabasov have been
constantly arguing and were caught on camera physically
fighting each other in August, during an act of domestic
violence. Lohan also stated she was pregnant for millionaire
Tarabasov, whom she is dating for money. Then, next day
Lohan revealed she had lied about being pregnant. Lohan
lives a debauched, drug and alcohol fuelled life full of
chaos and other self-destructive behavior.

Lohan's finger was severed an inch above the nail
The public has moved on from her, but she
has not accepted it. When you devote your life to
debauchery, drugs and alcohol, you risk losing your career
as Lohan did years ago. Her refusal to remain committed to
rehab has meant she has not gotten her career back.