Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt a decade ago at the height of their fame
Hollywood actress,
Angelina Jolie, developed sexual problems after she
underwent an oophorectomy surgery to remove her reproductive
organs, for fear of developing cancer, which is the disease
that claimed the lives of her mother and grandmother. The
early oophorectomy brought on early menopause, further
complicating matters.
Jolie's husband, Brad
Pitt, was already cheating on her. The side effects of the oophorectomy
made his cheating worse. Two years prior Jolie underwent a
very traumatizing double mastectomy, removing both her
breasts, for fear of developing breast cancer. Pitt was not
happy about Jolie's choices regarding the surgeries, but
went along with them. However, when you marry for love and
not lust and more fame, as time goes on you still love the
person regardless of physical changes.

Angelina Jolie 2014, the year she married Brad Pitt after a decade together
Pitt former marriage to
Jennifer Aniston also cast a shadow on their relationship.
Jolie is insecure when it comes to Aniston. There was also a
fling between Pitt and movie co-star Marion Cotillard. She
has tried to deflect the claims in a roundabout way, but
that's not what I'm hearing from my reliable source
regarding the extent of her contact with Pitt, a known
philanderer. Pitt, who is 52-years-old, made a career out of
his looks as a pretty boy actor. However, he like everyone
else who lives has aged.
Pitt has been going
through a mid-life crisis regarding his fading looks and has
been trying to reassure himself with a string of women. He
is not a good husband, especially to a wife struggling with
cancer fears and the lasting impact of a double mastectomy
and oophorectomy. 41-year-old Jolie's looks are changing as
well, which a vain man like Pitt is not happy about.
However, everybody ages. Some age better than others, but at
the end of the day, you won't be 18 for the rest of your
life. Some couples need to be more understanding and
supportive of each other.

Brad Pitt in 2014
The Jolie-Pitt marriage
also suffered from career issues. Jolie won an Oscar
(Academy Award) and is more famous than Pitt, who suffered
from insecurity issues due to this subject. Pitt has not won
an Oscar and is not considered a serious thespian, but an
actor known for being pretty. It too created tension in
their marriage. The problems regarding their children's
physical and mental health made things worse.
Six children being
raised by two people with significant addiction issues, one
of whom is a mother with serious mental health problems,
also created damage to their family unit. The family needs
extensive therapy with the hope of bringing some stability
and normalcy to their lives. They've tried so hard to be
different, unusual and to stand out in Hollywood that they
have become flat out dysfunctional. This behavior is not to
be emulated, as it is mentally unhealthy. They need to
remove their family from the spotlight and work on their
many problems.
Brad Pitt Changed Towards Angelina Jolie After Double Mastectomy And Is Under Investigation For Child Abuse At FBI And Child Services
Secret Video Shows Angelina Jolie Talking About Joining The Illuminati And Making Satanic Animal Sacrifices (Video)
Angelina Jolie Files For Divorce From Brad Pitt Confirming Previous Site Claims About His Cheating