Barack Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama, has been
campaigning on behalf of mentally and physically unfit
candidate, Hillary Clinton. Obama stated, he would interpret
it as a "personal insult" if black people didn't vote for
Clinton. Oh really? A personal insult not to vote for
Clinton, who infamously labeled black males in America
"super predators" who must be "brought to heel" and she
encouraged her husband to do just that, resulting in Bill
Clinton implementing laws that put away 2,000,000 black men.

Hillary Clinton
Due to those decisions, there are currently
more black men in prison than any other race, though
African-Americans only make up 10% of the U.S. population. I
don't believe any race or gender is bad. So in my eyes, for
Clinton to single out black men was foul. Criminals come in
all colors.
Clinton should know - she is one.
Obama Sees ‘Personal Insult’ if Blacks Don’t Rally for Hillary Clinton
Obama Sees ‘Personal Insult’ if Blacks Don’t Rally for Hillary Clinton
SEPT. 18, 2016 - President Obama spoke on
Saturday at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation gala
dinner in Washington. With Democratic leaders increasingly
worried about a lack of passion for Hillary Clinton among
young black voters, President Obama is rolling out a new and
more personal campaign message: “It’s about me.”
The president told African-Americans this
weekend he would consider it a “personal insult” if they did
not vote for Mrs. Clinton, implicitly putting his name on
the line as his former secretary of state struggles to
replicate the coalition that delivered him victories in 2008
and 2012. “My name may not be on the ballot, but our
progress is on the ballot,” Mr. Obama said on Saturday night
at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation gala dinner in
Washington, where Mrs. Clinton also spoke. “Tolerance is on
the ballot. Democracy is on the ballot. Justice is on the
'Clinton Cash' Documentary Exposes Hillary Clinton And Bill Clinton Going From Broke To $2 Billion Dollars In Bribe Money From Global Dictators And Businesspeople Stealing From The Poor And Harming The Environment (Video)
Report: Hillary Clinton Took Cocaine, Had An Abortion And Referred To Disabled Children Using The R-Word
Bernie Sanders Supporters Angry He Was Pressured Into Endorsing Polar Opposite Hillary Clinton
Black Lives Matter Slams Hillary Clinton As A Racist Who ‘Showed Black Lives Did Not Matter’