Dylann Roof killed nine peaceful churchgoers because they were black
African-American inmate, Dwyane Stafford,
beat and battered white supremacist murderer, Dylann Roof,
who killed 9 black people at the Emanuel AME Church in
Charleston, South Carolina. Roof is ironically in
segregation, to protect him from the general population in
prison. However, as a prison guard went to get toilet paper
for another inmate, he left the door open and Roof was
attacked by Stafford as he went to take a shower.

Dwyane Stafford is being branded a hero on social networking
Roof shouldn’t be surprised at the attack.
When you go into prison under certain circumstances, such as
committing hate crimes or pedophilia, you will become a
target. Nonetheless, the Judiciary Report does not encourage
vigilantism. There needs to be unity and reconciliation
among the races.
Side Bar: some on social networking
are slamming media outlets for referring to Roof as the
“accused shooter.” However, they reference him as accused
and his crimes alleged, because he is not convicted of the
murders and if on some weird technicality he gets off the
charges, even though we know he did it, he can sue them all
and make millions of dollars.
Some on social networking are also calling
him a terrorist and complaining. Technically, Roof is a
domestic terrorist. However, the U.S. government generally
reserves the term terrorist for Taliban, Al Qaeda or ISIS
members and those inspired by them, also called the lone
Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof beaten in jail
Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof beaten in jail
Updated 5:44 PM ET, Thu August 4, 2016 -
Dylann Roof, accused of the racially motivated massacre of
nine African American parishioners last year at Charleston's
Emanuel AME Church, was attacked and beaten Thursday by a
black inmate in a South Carolina jail, authorities said.
Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon Jr. said that Roof, who
is white, was out of his cell and on his way to the shower
when the attack happened at the Charleston County Detention
Although he was in protective custody, Roof,
22, was vulnerable because only one guard was in the area
and he was fetching toilet tissue for another inmate, Cannon
said. That allowed another inmate, 25-year-old Dwayne
Stafford, time to run down the stairs from his cell in the
protective custody unit and assault Roof with his fists, the
sheriff said. No weapons were involved in the attack and
Roof was able to return to his cell after being treated,
Cannon said.
"The detention officer responded quickly and
separated the two," Cannon said. "The injuries that Roof
received are relatively minor -- some bruising around the
face and the back. It appears he was struck with a fist and
nothing more serious than that." Roof, who is being kept in
protective custody because the nature of his alleged crimes
could make him vulnerable to assault, said he did not want
to press charges, Cannon said.
The attack brought praise on Twitter with
calls for donations to Stafford's jail commissary account.