Black Lives Matter Founded After The Murder Of
17-Year-Old Trayvon Martin At The Hands Of Racist George

Hillary Clinton
In an interview with, Black Lives Matter co-founder and
spokeswoman, Alicia Garza, slammed U.S. presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton for her role in opening black
people to abuses in conduct that, “Showed black lives did
not matter.” Duplicitous, racist Hillary Clinton referred to
black males as “super predators” and further stated “we must
bring them to heel.”

Alicia Garza
Black men are no more or less dangerous than
males of any other race. Clinton’s statements were
offensive, ugly and racist. Clinton's statements reflected
her prejudices for all to see. She promoted the stereotype
of the so-called violent, evil black male, when there are
many good black men out there who don't engage in negative
activity. Just like there are many good white men out there
who stay out of trouble. I'm tired of people judging others
by their race, rather than by their actions. There are good
and bad people in all races.

Alicia Garza's statements to
Considering there is a
Clinton Kill
many names, Hillary’s conduct led to people
dying in Benghazi incident, her nickname on social
networking and blogs is “Killary” and she hired
Italian-American mafioso Anthony Pellicano to stalk, harass,
threaten, abuse and violate the privacy of women and men,
she can’t talk. Hillary Clinton is a super predator. Not
because she’s white, but due to the fact she is power and
money hungry and willing to go to any extremes to get it.
'Clinton Cash' Documentary Exposes Hillary Clinton And Bill Clinton Going From Broke To $2 Billion Dollars In Bribe Money From Global Dictators And Businesspeople Stealing From The Poor And Harming The Environment (Video)
Report: Hillary Clinton Took Cocaine, Had An Abortion And Referred To Disabled Children Using The R-Word
Bernie Sanders Supporters Angry He Was Pressured Into Endorsing Polar Opposite Hillary Clinton